LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Channel the anger into helping progressive challengers primary Biden/Harris, imo.

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Yeah Iā€™m done too and if theyā€™re losing me theyā€™re truly fucked.

You can only get kicked in the face for so many years while being told to swallow the boot. The people doing the real work to get these motherfuckers elected keep getting shit on. Enough. I understand all the arguments and consequences and blah blah blah.

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I have tribal medicine, no kids, donā€™t do drugs, etc. And yet I feel like healthcare, education and prison reform are the most important issues. Curious.

Thank you for reminding me your mute was up. Really need a forever option.

ETA oh shit it exists now

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If Manchin is a hard no on abolishing the filibuster, is prioritizing voting rights a waste of time and effort?

They have to explain to their voters why nothing is happening. Their only chance is going full class warfare and calling our the members of their party who are corrupt pieces of shit.

I mean, democracy* in this country is over if the
Dems donā€™t pass voting rights legislation before the midterms.

*insofar as democracy even exists in a country that still elects presidents using an election format based on slaves counting for 3/5ths of a person.

Remember when Pete won Iowa then dropped out before Super Tuesday to kneecap Bernie and the progressive movement? Lol eDems always and forever. (Imagine if they were that Machiavellian with all the legislative power of the federal government)


Um, whatā€™s that?

My great, great, great grandmother was on the trail of tears so I get socialized medicine.

How exactly does that work? Do you have to go to a specific place to get care. Or is like an insurance product where you have choices about where you can go and then the insurer will (supposedly) pay the bills.

Can go to any tribal health provider. I go to a small clinic for a small tribe that is fairly close. Believe you can use emergency services at any hospital if you had to. Thereā€™s a Cherokee hospital in Talequah.

What happens if they find youā€™ve got something complicated and you need a specialist that isnā€™t at the Cherokee hospital? I just had a peek at their website and it looks like there is a good bit of stuff they donā€™t offer that a larger hospital (e.g University of Oklahoma Medical Center) has. Will they pay for you to go there?

No clue.

Itā€™s unfortunate the internet lets people do this. You wind up with people like jwax.

voting rights are not happening without some political protests. not sure what liberals and progressives are waiting for, some more people to start getting shot or what, but there will be no changes unless itā€™s actually priority in peoples minds, like pandemic and any other number of things. their side can get motivated by seeing a price stricker at walmart, or a caravan of refugees two thousand miles away. we canā€™t get off our asses to have enough free or subsidized housing.



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I guess I should add to my previous posts that if the Republicans nominate someone like DeSantis in 2024, like a scumbag who is minimally-competent at administration and probably not going to lead a fascist coup, then Iā€™m not going to blame anyone for not voting. Assuming the Dems keep up their Washington Generals routine.

I also donā€™t know why anyone would vote in the midterms unless they have actually good reps. The GOP are going to win both houses anyway, may as well make it a bloodbath and wake some people up.



desantis is a full blown fascist too. if he makes it to the top of the ticket, he will have absorbed all the bannon/miller/gaezt support without a blink. you can see it already, heā€™s copied trmpā€™s mannerisms and speeches already. after heā€™s reelected in 22, heā€™ll be calling into fox news and newsmaz on speed dial.

Lol at spending time or effort in the primaries when every single pos like Warren, Obama, and Pete will make sure that any sort of leftist goals get squashed. Giving money to the democratic party is endorsing their warmongering and child caging. Iā€™m giving money to communist organizations that are actually helping people on the street, things that Democratic pissants donā€™t give a shit about


Amazingly funny bit, just great stuff, glad more people are doing it