LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Good job! Good effort!

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Damn progressives!

The GOP is going to have a filibuster proof majority in the senate in 2024

Remember when people on this forum went off on progressives that voiced concern about voting for Biden? Short memories around here.


What if this is mostly driven by opposition to the indoor mask mandate?

Those people were smart.

It isn’t.

Don’t worry I won’t make that mistake with my vote again. Will be supporting the Biden primary challenger most likely.

By the time that happened it was between Trump and Biden and Biden was still the correct choice with those options.

Not clear to me how Biden is to blame for any of what is going wrong at the moment. The main place he has full authority to act is foreign policy and he withdrew the US from Afghanistan and has reduced drone strikes to near zero. The ongoing legislative trainwreck is on the rest of the party.

Student loans, pot decriminalization, going after Trump and most importantly messaging. Not to mention all the shit he gave away for nothing in the name of bipartisanship



Student loans idgaf about for reasons I’ve gone into before. Would pot decriminalization actually do anything, given that the feds don’t interfere in legal states anyway? “Going after Trump” isn’t something a President does but I will agree he appointed a useless AG and that the bipartisan stuff sucks.

I guess my point is, Biden has easily exceeded my expectations so far. Afghanistan alone is enough for that. If you were expecting better than this out of him specifically then I don’t know on what basis that was. So I don’t really get the “aha we told you Biden was bad”. Like, the Democrats are bad. The thread is titled LOL Democrats. I don’t think anyone is confused about this. Biden is as party-man as they come but has been, if anything, better than a median Democrat this cycle.


Obviously he sucks and we always knew he would suck but giving a pass to all the Trump criminals is indefensible and doing nothing to prioritize voting rights is even worse.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not walking that one back.

If the choice is Biden vs Trump, then you vote for Biden. As long as you did that, you’re free to voice any concern you like.

Wait, what? You were actually supporting Biden in the primary?

No, just if Biden runs again barring some real changes soon will support his primary challenger then probably sit out the general of Biden is the candidate.

I voted for Biden and probably won’t ever vote for an eDem again in my lifetime. Have the presidency and both chambers of congress and they are doing literally nothing on voting rights, packing the Supreme Court, reigning in defense spending, ending the war on drugs, prison reform, I could go on all fucking day. Fuck them.


You thinking your issues are worth torching democracy is a you problem.

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