The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I would never drop out of the presidential primary to screw over working people, setting a record as the only guy to do so while leading in delegates. But if I did, I would make sure to at least secure this bag for my husband. LOL


100% chance student loan payments would not be restarting next month if Bernie was in office.

Why bother? When Pete retires from politics there will be more than a handful of multimillion dollar opportunities waiting for him. Those loans aren’t going to cause even the slightest bit of pain for the couple in the long term. And maybe very little in the short term (but I guess that really depends on the amount, which I don’t know).

I might bother so that my husband didn’t make deeply embarrassing posts like this


Perhaps. But there are probably easier ways to have prevented that problem.


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Lol fucking deplorable acquaintance shared this with the quote “spot on”.

Screwing over the working people by undermining ruinously expensive programs that would benefit the close family members of millionaire government officials.

EDIT: Also the people who write those abysmal op-eds in the WSJ about how they make $700,000 a year but they’re only middle class because they spend a lot of money on private schools and European vacations. They’re the working class also.

Sounds like today might be the day Manchin kills the BBB due to inflation/CBO.

I love that I got super into reading. I can finally tune this shit out. WAAF


Lol? Take a breath or two

Yeah I tapped out of paying attention. I simply don’t care.

Painting this entire message board as bougie and part of the imperial core is wildly inaccurate, misleading, and insulting. I get frustrations with things but occasional apathy and feeling of defeat are pretty normal when the party that is supposed to stand for the people continuously shits on them. The dick measuring contest about who is a bigger activist is ridiculous and juvenile.


Not everyone is cut out to be an activist. I tried to get such a job once and was told I was better suited to being an analyst.

Watevs is a child.

ETA I believe the children are the future.


Even goddamn Chuck Schumer gets it.

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Seems to me the people who get student debt cancelled will be happier, economically invigorated, and politically appreciative for much longer than the misery period of the whiners who lazily counter with, “Oh yeah, better cancel my mortgage now too,” “I guess I’ll be receiving a lump sum check for the student debt I PAID OFF BY WORKING” etc.

I mean if Biden wipes away student debt, what is the sustained campaign against him about it? “Communism”? Everything is apparently communism these days, that doesn’t have much original bite.

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This is exactly the scenario I’ve been wondering about for years. It’s like calculating a bet or something. Someone has $100K in student debt they don’t see a viable path to paying off soon, so they have to try to predict outcomes. Is he going to cancel $10K(lol), $50K, all of it? And what’s the probability of those actions, how does that compare to what I’d save refinancing and therefore disqualifying myself from possible loan forgiveness? Like if a complete loan forgiveness seems decently possible, why wouldn’t you simply pay the absolute minimum you can to stay in good standing, at least until the end of Biden’s term, waiting for that Hail Mary?

If Biden wiped student debt people I know in Portland would be rejoicing, it would be their biggest financial windfall ever.

I guess a somewhat likely scenario is if Biden cancels student debt Republican elected officials will rail against the idea, fundraise on how they must defeat this socialism/fascism(they have no idea what any of those are), until it actually happens and then they’ll send out press releases taking credit for it, a la the infrastructure bill

Decent chance Trump cancels student debt along with legal weed and Medicare for all, the only thing stopping his “popular shit in exchange for looting the country” agenda was establishment turds who will all be purged by the time he’s in charge again.