LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

“Well then, again, why should we vote for you?”

The other guys are literal Nazis.

Yeah that’s pretty wild, but I find the “we talk to much about it” as a much bigger tell. That’s pretty much what your typical Trumper boomer says.
Also to be fair the NAACP approves of his voting record post his reformation so there’s that.

The problem with this strategy is:


She really just signs her name “Nancy”? I am very troubled and concerned.

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You should write her a strongly worded letter, then.

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Just promise voters you’re going to give them $100 gift cards. It’s not hard.

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I think they should do UBI, and your check comes with an attached letter describing the billionaire who was taxed to pay you. Kind of like when you donate $ to Africa and they send you a profile of the child you are helping, but in reverse.


Dude Biden just shipped a ton of money to people including actual recurring cash payments that slashed child poverty and lots of those people think Trump somehow gave them the money. People are fucking stupid. Unimaginably so. You have to mash the feelings button somehow.


Have the Democrats tried the strategy of having Hillary, Pelosi, Obama and AOC just take the positions of the far right for the rest of time? Have them on every TV show, podcast, morning radio show and any other thing that the nutjobs listen to and have them spew that they agree with all of these crazy ideas and policy positions.


The competing visions here will always have empirical support, I think its a genuinely very hard problem whether you go positive or negative. The right answer is probably different for different candidates.

By any reasonable measure, Democrats are succeeding at getting votes! They win the popular vote in every election. President, Senate, House, everything. There are major structural problems that require bold action.

The key point that is often missed and never discussed in mainstream media is “what is the point of winning?” Do you just want to stop Republicans from being in charge, or do you actually want to fight the GOP’s massive structural advantages and do good policy shit? Because if the answer is the latter, you have to purge the shitlibs while still retaining all their voters.

The longstanding assumption among eDem losers is that “centrists” i.e. fucking Republicans who don’t want full on fascism, always do better than “progressives,” but that’s just plain false and the so-called centrists have less popular policy positions on every issue. If you actually want to fix shit, the most important thing, even more than “Orange Man bad or We Will Help You,” is purging people like Kyrsten Sinema from the Democratic Party.

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The problem is that eDems believe in being representatives of all the people and not just the people who vote for them. We need Democrats who hate Republican voters and are willing to fuck with those people’s lives.

The people in power in the party are people just like Sinema except they are better phonies. This is like asking the “moderate” Republicans to take back their party from the crazies.


Should work.

I mean the crazies were able to take over there. Our biggest issue is a we have is corporate media

I had this hope too at one point.

Then Trump got 10 million more votes than in 2016 and I pretty much lost all hope that anything is too far for the modern GOP.

Literally “Hitler (R)” would win 20 states minimum.


Yeah not just 10 million new voters, a lot of young and black/latino voters. That 10 million new voters nuked the old idea that demographic changes would save us. Facebook and the popularizing of conspiracy theories pretty much single handedly reversed the demographic changes.

Sinema has managed to piss all voters off

How do the actual numbers at home add up for Sinema? I looked. They’re terrible! Honestly substantially worse than I thought. This mid-July poll from Data for Progress tells the story. Among Arizona Dems Joe Biden had a 94% approval rating; Mark Kelly had an 85% approval and Sinema had a 54% approval. Within your own party that’s a really, really bad number. And how did she fair with independents? She actually came in behind Biden (44%) and Kelly (45%), though not by much. Sinema was at 40%. When Arizona Democratic primary voters (who can be Dems or independents) were given the options of “I would vote to reelect Kyrsten Sinema” or “I would vote for a different candidate who would get rid of the filibuster” the numbers were basically catastrophic. Sinema got 22% and the unnamed filibuster-buster got 66%.

Of Sinema, Biden, Kelly and the Republican Governor Doug Doucey she’s the least popular.


This is why I feel she has to be in it for a payoff down the line. Her numbers have been super bad for awhile and she has made no attempt to change course

Or she’s just terribly wrong about how this will work out for her politically.