LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Nah she knows there is no excuse that would make any sense so she just threw out the most boring dumb thing she could think of and hopes people forget about it or don’t care in her district. She knows no ones going to buy it.

What the fuck dude


Good lord that’s so fucking embarrassing

And I’m willing to bet he actually believes in this, especially when that believe translates into a cushy life for him personally.

That Raskin tweet makes me realize calling the Dems Washington Generals is unfair because the Generals were ostensibly trying to win but failing. Sure they’d get pantsed and lose possession of the ball or whatever but at least they weren’t alley ooping the ball to the Globetrotters FFS.

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you’re saying the republicans are paying the parliamentarian?

Relying on your opponents to defeat themselves. Great strategy! You’re not playing the Freddie Kitchens Browns you dumb, corrupt shitbag.

Overton says hi.

Just LOL.

“Byrd bath”?

I genuinely have no idea what that is but I’m quite sure it’s yet another “we tried” tactic to get the progressives on board.

Blow it all the fuck up, Jesus fucking Christ.

The Byrd rule defines which provisions are eligible for reconciliation. The Byrd bath is the process of trying to clean up a reconciliation bill to comply with the Byrd rule.


I guess I’ve just never heard the term “Byrd bath” until now.

LOL this country that a term like that exists. Good lord.

Named after its co sponsor Robert Byrd (D-WY) an infamous ex-KKK ex?segregationist and all round deplorable southern democrat. Seems fitting.

Irony is that machin is probably still not the WOAT D senator from WV.

“So why should we vote for you?”

We’re building back better

“Ok so you’re canceling student debt?”

Lol no

“Taxing billionaires?”

Of course not

“Doing something to keep the planet from burning into apocalyptic hell?”

Are you listening? Hell no!

“How about fixing healthcare so I don’t get a $27,000 bill when my appendix bursts?”

You see this is a very complicated problem…

“Ok but my insulin and epipen and other life saving drugs will be affordable right?”


“Well surely you closed the carried interest loophole?”

Hahahaha nope vote Dem 2022 or else!


Manchin probably isn’t even second WOAT. If you’re willing to go back far enough, I’d imagine you’ll find some anti-civil rights Dems in there somewhere.

byrd was a reformed segregationist. i don’t know his whole history, but he spent like several decades at the end of his life speaking out against white supremacy and intolerance.


Rush Holt Sr opposed the New Deal and supported the America First Committee, remaining an isolationist even after Pearl Harbor.

Presented without comment.

In a March 2, 2001, interview with Tony Snow, Byrd said of race relations:

"They’re much, much better than they’ve ever been in my life-time … I think we talk about race too much. I think those problems are largely behind us … I just think we talk so much about it that we help to create somewhat of an illusion … "

You were generous in where you cut off the quote

My old mom told me, ‘Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.’ We practice that. There are white n******. I’ve seen a lot of white n****** in my time, if you want to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I’d just as soon quit talking about it so much.

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