LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

I mean you don’t have to be a genius to read a poll?

Some people just refuse to change, no matter how much evidence you show them. She seems like the kind of person who will stick to her initial path just to prove the haters wrong and we’re all going to laugh at her when she’s on her political deathbed like she’s an anti-vaxxer with COVID.

There’s a tradeoff though. We want, or people say they want, someone who sticks to their principles and doesn’t follow opinion polls, but what are Sinema’s principles? I couldn’t even tell you one thing she believes in, just that she was that weird centrist quirk of having to pare down whatever progressives want, even if it makes no sense or even if what they want is popular.

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I truly think she just likes attention.

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she used to be a socialist so nobody knows what the hell she’s doing

like manchin, she isn’t up until 2024

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Yeah cinema has zero real beliefs. She is 100% about personal advancement. Dems are usually like 80% personal advancement, and republicans are like 50%

I’d say republicans are the most ideological driven of the bunch. Way more common for them to sacrifice more for the party

senator to lobbyist being a personal advancement definitely sounds wrong.

There’s a difference between ideology and partisanship.

I guess that depends on your objective but I mostly agree. It just makes more sense to me than beingtue dumbest politician in world history and arrogant to ignore all staffers and consultation

Have you ever actually met a politician?

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It isn’t even because of preferential treatment of investment income, though. They pay no tax at all! If they actually had to pay capital gains on unrealized gains there would be basically zero problem here.

Get ‘em Joe. Looooool “leans toward.”

God forbid you just do it and litigate later, the undisputed cheat code to our laughable system of “justice.”

We already have signed documents from Trump telling everyone to do a coup, what more is this secret info even going to tell us? So goddamn useless.

nobody knows about the first part of that sentence you just said

sure many don’t care either

Maybe he used the N word!

It’s hilarious to think people thought all these out of shape Sturgis going morons were going to change their vote from Trump for the n word or pussy talk.

nah, everyone knew they wouldn’t but it did seem like the biggest bubble was leftist women not realizing conservative women did not give a shit about the latter talk.

I’d bet money a team of comms people agonized over the right word to use before going with “leaning”. Lmao

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