LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Someone called into the majority report and say they travel all around Virginia for work and the suburbs, which Biden won in 2020, were red as hell with signs.

I mean we would get crushed even without voter suppression because lol democrats

I heard Youngkin speak the other day and I got a little nervous. He sounds “reasonable” and that’s all most Virginians will need to vote for him without embarrassment. He may be competitive with DeSantis. Seriously.

My spider sense (Bedford VA) is telling me McAuliffe gonna get crushed. The old timers are weary of him.

I live in VA so I’ve been flooded with ads for what feels like an eternity.

Youngkin’s are as expected, bullshit but effective. “Crime is up. These 50 sheriffs support Glen Youngkin” and “Terry doesn’t think parents should have a say in their child’s education!”

Meanwhile McAuliffe’s are all like “Glen Youngkin supports Donald Trump.” Yea, good one Terry.

Yet another Clinton-era shitlib corporate stooge loser. I’m sure it will be Bernie Sanders’ fault when he loses, or something.

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I mean this is the guy that barely squeaked out a win against fucking Ken Cuccinelli in 2013; it’s not like he’s some political savant. I’d say I don’t know why they keep trotting these guys out there, but I mean, I know why.


Same shit for the NJ Gov race. Jack Cittarelli (R) is just absolutely plastering ads everywhere. Billboards, socoal media, youtube, Facebook, TV, etc. and they all just mash the grievance and scare buttons. Meanwhile Murphy (D, incumbent, creepy billionaire) has very few ads and the ones he does have are either “Jack is NJs Donald Trump” or “Kumbaya lets all come together”. The polls have been steadily tightening. I’m shook for these results next week.

I feel like Dems in NJ only manage to lose the governorship when proven to be super corrupt or a scandalized creep of some kind, so it would really say something if Murphy managed to blow it, since he’s basically neither. And the dude legalized cannabis which should count for something.

Yes, the party line is that progressives blew it by not passing BIF.

What is BIF?

Bipartisan infrastructure framework

if NJ is even close, dems need to fix the supply chain issues and now or they won’t have to worry about keeping the filibuster cause they won’t have 40 either here or 24.

i thought she was supposed to have locked up at least jr or eric by now. what the f is she running on? not hitting on young aides?


I’m like 90% sure my sister or her 9-year-old daughter got the rona. We were both at our cousin’s house for halloween and she’s mysteriously in seclusion now with some weird excuses about her daughter being “really tired” etc. (this isn’t the sister I thought had rona a few weeks ago (that turned out to be a false positive), this is my other sister)

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And condescending.

Honestly, if someone talked to us like we talk about Republicans, we’d want to a)punch them and b) vote against them

It’s obvious our “base” isn’t big enough to overcome the racism so something needs to change.

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Oh yeah, the “be nice to the racists” strategy. It’s gone swimmingly when tried. GTFO

I’m not saying that and neither is he.

What is he saying? I’m not sure I followed that (especially with the abrupt cut).

talking about telling people that parents should have little to no say in their kids’ education. Which was one of the things Dems in VA were saying.

I don’t care if they were right (in this instance), but you don’t campaign on it or say it.

No idea why parents have any expertise to decide how education should be done. They have as much right to decide that as to decide how surgery on kids should be done.

Republicans want to literally execute anyone left of Mitt Romney. The time for caring about their feelings is long over.