LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

You’re right.

But handing out books isn’t the sick burn the twitterverse thinks it is.

Handing out books makes us look arrogant and condescending.

Do you think its possible that maybe the establishment Dems seem arrogant and condescending because they are arrogant and condescending?


skydiver was being generous. The way Mcauliffe himself said it was way more cringeworthy. But he said literally those words, in context, after talking down to Youngkin for not understanding some legal point during a public debate where Youngkin’s response promoting more parent involvement predictably got more cheers.


the mistake was mcauliffe accepted the premise of the crt debacle. he should have said that there is no crt in the classroom right now, and the government certainly will never mandate it, there should be limits on the governor’s input into education curriculum, as there should be limits on the parents’ input on the curriculum in a public school. and the state government is there to prevent harassment of teachers and school boards by parents, as much as it is there to prevent harassment of students by the teachers.

it is fucking amazing that this one soundbite was apparently worth a 5% swing in turnout in a close election. definitely waaf.


i disagree. everyone hands out books. donjr hands out books for crying out loud.

We talk about them like they’re stupid and they talk about us like we don’t deserve to participate in society. The thing is that they know we talk about them that way, they also know that we’re right. They weren’t happy about trump winning cause of anything he said, they were happy cause they finally proved the libs wrong.

Not sure why anyone is asking Kaine what he thinks about winning elections against deplorable opponents, he’s got a pretty big L on his record on that front.

I kinda refuse to believe this is real, so good job Twitter, you got me.

All three were voter reform propositions, including no-excuse absentee balloting. All three lost.

lol. this is smack in the middle of seattle

just once i’d like some left wing progressive grievance to try to make a dent with a yard sign campaign in the middle of a gop stronghold. just scorched earth, “duncan hunter was guilty of cheating his voters (and wife)” or “glenn youngkin will sell you to dominion energy”.


I know the NYT generally sucks, but this is an exception.


It will not work to ignore race and talk about popular issues instead. Mr. McAuliffe’s closing message was a generic appeal on infrastructure and other issues that poll well. He was following the strategy known as popularism, which has gained in influence since the 2020 election, when Democrats’ disappointing down-ballot performance was attributed to rhetoric like “defund the police.”

This, then, is the Democrats’ problem: The fact that Republicans can drag race into the conversation with ease kicks the legs out from under the idea that Democrats can succeed by simply talking about more popular things.

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I don’t know where to start with this stuff because I’ve never really seen info (and I’m not sure it exists beyond questionable polls) about swing voters. Like, if Latino voters shifted 15% or whatever between 2016 and 2020, and that was largely the same voters, then I’m not joking when I say pack it in because we’re wasting our time here. If Latino Republican voters were motivated and Latino dem voters demotivated then that’s a different ballgame.

It seems fairly clear that racial dogwhistles bring out the gop base and heretofore non voters to vote gop while not driving out dems to vote against. I want to know why the authors want to counter the dogwhistles. Do they think it will demotivate the otherwise activated racists, motivate dems, or both? I’m certainly skeptical about the former.

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I agree with that, plus, what if those things simply don’t motivate enough people to go vote?

I lean heavily towards U.S. politics being absolutely hopeless in the near to medium term. Republicans have played the long game and now they get to enjoy the spoils.

Even if you fixed several unfixable things about the Democratic Party (entrenched, out of touch, octogenarian leadership, subservience to donors, lack of urgency, lack of killer instinct) i.e. even if the leadership somehow changes (it won’t), the structural hurdles are insurmountable.


If there are structural hurdles, you just need to find a way to blow up the structure.

well for one thing, 2024 shouldn’t be as bad as 21/22. (in before it’s 1980…sigh)

2010 Republicans gained 6 senate seats including Illinois and 63 in the house and Obama won re-election in 2012.

that requires not these approval ratings that Joe currently has however

So what’s the plan? Be more racist to appeal to the racists?

If Rs landslide in 2022 while purging any R who says the 2020 election was not stolen AND Trump is the nominee again in 2024 then we have a big, big problem regardless of how many votes Biden or whoever gets in 2024…. DUCY?

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