Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

I agree that he owes everyone an apology.


Why wasn’t that suggested by anyone in that thread before now? Why wasn’t it suggested he shouldn’t be habitually trolling UP? It rings a little hollow although if you think that now that’s better than not thinking it at all.

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Is that what happened? I read the thread but must have missed that.


Except that the way it came out was the admin abusing their power and making posters personal messages public. You know, actively trying to destroy the forum and then telling everybody good luck and that they are leaving.

It’s hard not to feel bad for the admin. Clearly they are going through a lot and need some support.
But then they blame the users for not encrypting their PM’s.

It’s like saying “I know I raped them but they shouldn’t not of been dressed like that”

It is really weird that they were not IP banned immediately. Oh wait, they are the admin.

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No, it isn’t like saying that. I’m absolutely shocked that anyone could seriously try to argue that a 50+ member pm thread has any semblance of privacy, especially when (from what I could gather from the little I read last night) one of the main topics was the admin’s (who told you he could read pm’s) mental state and a lot of other trash I didn’t really bother to read, just saw a little but got the gist pretty quick. I mean, honestly, the whole thing seemed designed in many places to troll me. It worked, and I apologize to everyone for that, I should have been bigger.

I’m not saying for one moment what I did was defensible at all, and no one here is even defending it. But, I’m honestly laughing pretty hard at the pearl clutching here, especially given the vicious nature of the thread and the topics being discussed.

I’ve never seen a sadder display in my life. I really mean that. I’m glad all the masks are off, and while I will apologize for my actions, I do not regret what I did.

Perma/ip ban me once all the keys are handed over, if you must, but I think I’ve honestly (as I have stated over and over now) been treated pretty shitty and like some kind of game piece in this dumb, lowest of low stakes game of thrones thing y’all got going on here. It’s really sad and pathetic to me. I will think twice or three times about volunteering my time for anything again.

But don’t worry, rest assured, if not banned, I will not be continuing here.


Vic… seriously.

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He trolled me in the PM thread after I tried to be supportive of him in mental health thread. PM thread is now hidden, but you know that he did exactly that. So please don’t make me lose all respect for you.

I have another thought. In case you didn’t notice, we are now again without admin. Don’t you want to be an admin here? That would be something totally useful differently to all this fighting.

Yes, it is like saying that.

I’m amazed you don’t have any self reflection at all.

Peace and love. I’m sure it felt really important to you at the time.

That’s because one side are dishonest liars who waited for the posts to be deleted before discussing them.

This makes me feel a little better.

It’s really striking how much of the recent forum drama is being explicitly driven by jmakin and people just tiptoe around it out of exaggerated solicitude for his mental health. If he has a mental health problem, it’s toxic narcissism, and indulging all this nonsense is no way to help him deal with it. Just ban him already for fucks sake.


Haha, holy shit this thread.



Vic… he trolled me in the initial PM thread. He trolled me after I supported him in the mental health thread. It is pretty pathetic.

Like I said, It hink that he still should be allowed to come back. But it is right now not about that. You seem not to get, what did you all leave out of the bottle. For now it would be really good if you could volunteer for admin. Will you please do that?

fidget’s posting regarding moderation always seemed to me to be pure trolling. But I wasn’t completely sure; I thought there was a chance his posts could be interpreted as earnest attempts to help rather than intentionally trying to poke at scabs and stall progress.

Like his posts starting here:

where he just repeatedly kept posting about that Sabo thread. (This is just a recent example that stuck out to me.) My view was that I didn’t like his posting there, but since there was a chance I was just misinterpreting it, whatever. But since it now appears that it was active trolling, I think it warrants moderation.


Cant find the posts to show you, as they are gone/moved/hidden/something. Unless I hallucinated the whole thing or (possibly) am an idiot who just cant find old posts, he made four or five posts asking about subclinical COVID. They came across as obtuse at the time, but were replied to in good faith. Given what he posted in that PM thread, they were obviously trolling. It isnt really disputable.

Not saying he should hang or it was the worlds greatest tragedy or anything or opining on whether they should have been removed, but as a participant in the conversation without an axe to grind in that thread, the posts being bad faith/trolly shouldnt really be in dispute.


OK, I’m going to attempt to be reasonable here and post in good faith.

No one is going to go search the COVID thread for Fidget’s troll posts. I’m not entirely sure what else you might be asking for here, since he clearly stated that he was trolling that particular thread by getting Wookie and CN to fight. No one is going to do that work for you.

Fidget clearly stated he was trolling. Are you suggesting that this statement was, instead a troll/lie in the private thread when he was talking to his compatriots? Why would he troll the people who agree with him/cheered him on?

Then again, I am 95% sure you’re the one trolling now, so who knows…

Why have

both been allowed to vote?

Also I believe RealDonaldTrump is a gimmick of another person who’s already voted.

Surprisingly all dodgy votes cast on the ban side.

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OK. we are approaching the understanding. :smiley:

Probably it is not trolling then, but talking shit behind my back. He quoted a post of me in a PM thread , where I said something along the lines that I think that mods do a good job and was all smug about it. He said that he is very happy that I am not there. I mean… not that my feelings are deeply hurt. I don’t really understand what did I do to deserve that specifically with him, but I can live with that. I just find it kinda pathetic.

And I am for letting him come back. Like I said, I think he will find it difficult to navigate this terrain now. So…

And now let us come back again to the important stuff. Will you please volunteer for the admin role instead of dying on the fidget hill?


Cite the rule forbidding using sockpuppets to vote in polls.