Let's discuss fidgetUK’s ban

OK. we are approaching the understanding. :smiley:

Probably it is not trolling then, but talking shit behind my back. He quoted a post of me in a PM thread , where I said something along the lines that I think that mods do a good job and was all smug about it. He said that he is very happy that I am not there. I mean… not that my feelings are deeply hurt. I don’t really understand what did I do to deserve that specifically with him, but I can live with that. I just find it kinda pathetic.

And I am for letting him come back. Like I said, I think he will find it difficult to navigate this terrain now. So…

And now let us come back again to the important stuff. Will you please volunteer for the admin role instead of dying on the fidget hill?


Cite the rule forbidding using sockpuppets to vote in polls.


posting with the sole intention of getting people to fight is basically the textbook definition of trolling.

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He who dies with most sockpuppets wins I guess.

We will see. May be yes may be not, but you will with that at least attempt to do something really useful. I am going to nominate you in the admin thread.

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LOL. Yeah. Because one side is lying. Someone has the real screenshots. Whatever Churchill just posted isn’t what everyone is talking about.

Which part? The actual post? Or the way I. Which Jalfrezi and Churchill totally lied about the content of the post?

Yeah, that’s why the captains counsel gaslighting is so ludicrous.

Wtf are you talking about? jman220reading2 isn’t me, I didn’t make that account. It’s probably one of your council of captains trolling again.

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I made three posts in this thread, that was the third, I think they were all like a half hour apart. Two were jokes that didn’t have anything to do with fidget. So, I don’t know, ask the others who posted.

@Jman220reading2 Who the fuck are you? Someone run an ip check and I bet they’re in for an interesting surprise. @moderators, @admins 50/50 It’s a jalfrezi gimmick.


jman i hate to tell you this but there are no more admins and moderators to at, they’re gone

you can go to their captains website and fidget’s handle is commonWealth, yeah the guy who left the forum 7 months ago

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Yeah, when I said @Jman220reading2 was 50/50 @Jalfrezi, I should have said the other 50 percent chance was that it was @fidgetuk. Given that he joined 6 hours ago which synchs up with figet’s permaban nicely that might actually be the more likely culprit here. Joining pretending to me to vote to ban himself as a troll is definitely his MO.

Yeah been mostly not caring because I’m sure I shit up threads when I’m drunk. I’ve been bored as fuck the last year. But if motherfuckers are using other peoples’ names at other sites just to be assholes fuck them. Same with making several jman accounts if someone is. What the fuck is wrong with you?


I mean the fact that @Jalfrezi was the one who “noticed” the jman account voting twice I 100 percent guarantee it’s either him or he knows who it is.

Edit: Also, like seriously, Jalfrezi thinks posters here are so dumb that they’ll believe I’m going ot make a gimmick for the sole purpose of voting twice in poles and hearting posts, but that I’m going to fuckign name it jman220reading2? Lol.

/thread imo


wat? OK. Thx for the edit, I never thought that.

Sorry, yeah, not directed at you, I was using the royal “you”

Bad read.

It starts here.


CN “disagrees” with Wookie here:

If fidget is proud of that, it’s a lot like Donald Trump being proud of how much wall he built.