Let’s talk about rotating moderation, and get rid of it.

Do whatever you want but there is no official mechanism for changing rules right now so I guess you’re going to have to hop the admins agree that this is binding. I mean is this majority? Is there a 60 percent margin required? Nobody knows!

We were able to make rules before ever adopting an RFC system. (Including the adoption of the RFC system itself).

Yeah except those times when your team decided they didn’t like the results of polls and determined that simple polls were not legit ways to make rules even though that’s what we had done from the start. Anyway I guess if you can convince an admin that this is binding they you win so whatever.

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I am not engaging in this.

Ha well that’s a first. I just want to make it clear that I dispute that this poll is binding. And I’ll be ignoring any moderation after each mods time runs out. When I get banned you can add another to the list that your team has driven off.

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if there are teams, i want a jersey and i call #69

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There’s a five-minute window for editing polls. (But not for text outside the poll.)

Come on. I did not edit the poll. This is ridiculous.

This is a natural consequence of getting rid of RFCs.

The question is simple. Get rid of rotating mod system or keep it. The only edits I made to the text were to remove stuff your group found objectionable about senorkeed and the original motivations for the system. This is some bad faith bullshit right here.

Do you believe the actual question has changed and not just the rationale?

“Let’s get rid of rotating mods” should be in the poll. Jman editing everything else is not a big deal.

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What is your preferred option among these choices for term length and number of consecutive terms?
  • Six-month terms, limit one term
  • Six-month terms, limit two to four terms
  • Six-month terms, unlimited terms
  • Twelve-month terms, limit one term
  • Twelve-month terms, limit two to four terms
  • Twelve-month terms, unlimited terms
  • Terms of unlimited length

0 voters

If only we had rules about what counts as a binding poll…


ngl, watching people rediscover why the RFC rules were needed in the first place is entertaining.


The RFC process was terrible. We’re not governing a small country, we’re a few dozen people shitposting on a forum.

I think he’s pointing out that the RFC rules were a poor, misguided attempt at solving issues that were not really issues.

For instance, this forum has felt quite peaceful for a few months now, I’m not sure anyone really wants much change at all, yet we’re somehow feeling pressure to do something right now. Where is that pressure coming from? The answer to that Q would probably answer a lot of other questions.

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The only reason I made this thread was because things are going well, as you said, there is no reason to rock the boat, and someone created a thread for the latest round of moderator elections. Why not just keep the status quo?

The RFC process was fine. The posters are terrible.

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It was indisputably bad. Anyone could make an RFC at any time and forced people to engage with, participate in, and pay attention to drama on a regular basis without any upside whatsoever.

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You cant deny jman isn’t also bored …