Leaving The US

That sounds almost dysfunctional too. Surely some ■■■■■ live there?

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I’m sure there are, but we haven’t run into them.

I was kinda freaked out having strangers in DC say hello to me as I walked down the street.

Strangers barely make eye contact with each other in Prague.

I knew Prague quite well 20 years ago after having a gf there. Believe me, nothing beats London for eye contact between strangers being socially unacceptable. Bunch of unfriendly fuckers here, though always polite to tourists (especially traders ripping them off).

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Since I have trouble maintaining eye contact with people, it was nice to fit in.

I was very much the same but it seems to have passed with middle age. I even find myself having a chat and a laugh with people in shops now (once the ice has broken).

You can get by fine on English while you learn Spanish in those places.

It’s cheap for the half that live in their vans.

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I stayed in an area of San Jose called Barrio Escalante and fell in love with it. Walking around the rest of the city it reminded me a lot of Kansas City where I grew up - similar size and feel. I’m glad expats mostly don’t want to move there. It’s a lot cheaper than the Costa Rica beach towns.

If you visited an Antigua and weren’t charmed then we just have completely different tastes.

My priorities are something like:

  1. Weather - can’t be too hot
  2. Food
  3. Nice coffee shops
  4. Nearby mountains to hike
  5. Everything else

I’m pleased to hear it’s got its share of them, or I might have to rethink the necessity of ending capitalism.

* hides from suzzer *

Eastern Europe, certainly. Western Europe not really.

And the less said about the UK the better.

Antigua’s charming, but I’d already traveled a ton in Mexico and it feels like there a dozen or more similar cities there, so I was a bit burned out on the colonial inspired towns. Probably would’ve been much more impressed if it had been one of my first stops. Guanjuato city, for example, seems like a far more interesting place to live, and a lot more off the tourist radar than Antigua.

It’s also a digital nomad inspired list, so internet is pretty important, and Guatemala is kinda shit in that regard.

We have our fair share of assholes too. :grin:


To be fair German people are often heavy set (large bones) and carry weight much better than their British cousins.

Not sure if this is a pro-van life comment or about Victoria’s significant and very visible homeless population.

It’s both.

I mean me for one.

Not in checks notes like 70% of US states. SYG baby!



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