LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Jesus food is so cheap on the states. My brother moved back to the states recently (lol I know) partly because everything is so damn cheap compared to Canada

We have several breeding pairs of these things on our farm at any one time (southern lapwings):


They call them Teros here. They nest on the ground and when they have chicks will dive bomb the shit out of me if I am in the vicinity. At the same time they let out a screech (“tero”) so that neighbouring breeding pairs join in the attack. Fun times when I’m wandering around the crop patch. They never actually make contact though, just try to divert you away from their young.

I’ve even seen one sat on eggs get up and make a display that stopped an 800kg cow in it’s tracks, persuading the cow to take a different route.

They’re our national animal.


Jackie Mason’s convenience store.

Some food is. Fat Americans want their corn syrup, daily, and meat heavily subsidizes. Fresh produce it still pretty expensive in 'Merica.

Really I thought it was way cheaper as most of it comes from there. We pay a ton for fruits and vegetables here in the winter.

I bought an avocado today for $2.59. One avocado!

I know someone mentioned this on here somewhere, but what local representative would be the best to contact to try and get your unemployment? I’m trying to help a friend.

State Rep. UE is handled by a state agency.


I went to vegetarian plus seafood and despite eating whatever I want I’ve lost weight and have experienced a noticeable increase in energy and mood. Still get pretty intense red meat cravings, though.

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This is the bird I was talking about.



Now you’re never going to be able to afford a house!


Except for ambulance rides and related activities.


That’s a pretty standard avocado price where I shop in Minnesota, sometimes they put out the really ripe ones for $1 a piece but I see 2 for $5 a lot of the time

I moved from the Canadian prairies to California and expected produce to be cheap because so much is grown here but nope. Prices pretty much the same.

Interesting. I thought I was getting screwed.

me too. It took me a minute to compute that all in my head

ladydoingmath .gif


Avocado here in CA is more like $1.50.

But strawberries are amazing when they’re in season.

avocados .79 to .99 in South Carolina

berries are almost completely flavorless here for some reason though. variance.

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