ZZ has to be talking about whole chickens or maybe wings or parts with bones, and I think you’re talking about boneless breasts or thighs. We get boneless breasts or thighs for about $1.99/pound on sale around here (northeast usa), which is still ridiculously cheap.
I remember when I was a kid chicken was (relatively) expensive and cod was cheap. Now it’s reversed.
Yea I was talking breasts. Agree that thighs and legs have better taste by themselves, but if you can’t make a chicken breast taste good you’re doing it wrong. Plenty of great recipes with regular chicken breast.
Minimally processed foods are natural foods that have been submitted to cleaning, removal of inedible or unwanted parts, fractioning, grinding, drying, fermentation, pasteurization, cooling, freezing, or other processes that may subtract part of the food, but which do not add oils, fats, sugar, salt or other substances to the original food.
In practice, I think it mainly means that the chicken hasn’t been pre-brined.
I had an MIT chemical engineering grad whose office was next to mine insist that some chickens were born boneless through genetic engineering at my first job ten years ago. My no fuckin way response prompted him to send me a link to a word document as “proof” that it was true.
I just learned that Nicholas Cage and Crispin Glover both had their first credited roles in the pilot for some weird 1981 teen variety show that never got picked up for reasons that quickly become apparent. It’s also the most normal I’ve ever seen Crispin Glover act.