LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Agree with all this. I am in my 40s and, IMO, it’s a good thing that there is confusion about what is permitted behaviour. When I was a teen there was no confusion - the boy relentlessly pursued the girl regardless of the signals she was sending or how uncomfortable it made her. This was not better! The confusion about how to behave may be more challenging for men but still its progress.

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I feel like there is something like this from Germany, France, or Belgium at least once a year. They really have a blind spot to their anti-African racism in continental Europe.

It’s not like this has ever happened before tho. Oh wait…

Doesn’t this happen every couple of years, and isn’t it starting to seem like its own kind of viral marketing? Zero chance I ever find out Volkswagen put a new ad out if this hadn’t happened.

How is it this keeps happening to a company founded by Adolf Hitler?

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I’m going to speculate this is only an indirect function of being old and more directly the result of being out of the dating pool for many years.

Also, keeping things trimmed down there is much more comfortable and worth the effort even if you don’t have somebody else passing judgement.

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Every guy needs this.

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How so? I guess sometimes you don’t notice anything wrong but then something comes along and relieves it and you are like “wow, that feels good. I hadn’t even noticed that pea under my mattress, but now that it’s gone I feel great”. But, yeah, I’ve never noticed any discomfort because of my pubes.

People have been shaving pubes for millennia:

According to ethnologist F. Fawcett, writing in 1901, he had observed the removal of body hair, including pubic hair about the vulva, as a custom of women from the Hindu Nair caste.

:rofl: Clue’s in the name.

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Farrah Fawcett started the pube shaving? I guess she needed to for that swimsuit.

But, seriously, back in my day ~no one shaved or trimmed. Not men or women. Seems like a plot to sell some new kinds of grooming equipment.

Oh there’s no question porn popularised it, and cosmetics companies never tire of finding ways to tell women there’s something wrong with their bits, but it’s by no means new.

Eh… a dick pic is a pretty aggressive step IMO. It’s definitely one of those things where I feel like you should know it’s out of bounds.

I mean any situation where you didn’t actually say ‘show me your dick’ is a situation where an even kind of well adjusted adult male should know sending a dick pic is bad. Even if you did literally type those words I suspect most well adjusted men with any kind of social skills would play it off as sarcasm or a joke because that’s the lowest risk move and much more +EV than actually sending the dick pic.

It’s pretty damn far from perfect strat. Also the whole idea of having a ‘strat’ for getting into your pants feels gross to me. Not sure why. I guess it’s because my dating strategy has always been to just be myself and if it works out that’s fantastic, but if it doesn’t to fail as quickly as possible to not waste my time or hers lol.

Then again I haven’t been in the dating pool since my early 20’s… so who the fuck knows.

People just didn’t talk about such things publicly. Swimsuits were closely followed by the need to deal with the “bikini line”.

Which brings me to Clovis: The question isn’t doing it, it’s admitting to it. People need to re-learn the fine art of blissful ignorance. Don’t ask, don’t tell has it’s place.

Have you bought the schoolie yet?

A couple of my friends in the bay area have raved about Bolinas - and they are not hippies.

Dude, let’s build a custom schoolie!

I co-owned a custom skoolie for awhile with grand dreams of travel with friends. Like most people who attempt this, the reality was… a bit removed from the ideal.

Do not recommend unless you enjoy spending half your summer broke down on the side of the road not very far from home.

That was when you were a broke kid right? When I was in my early twenties I had a step van that I bought for $500. It had plenty of trouble as well. Johnny can afford to keep the schoolie working.

( actually I had money when I had that old step van. I just didn’t mind having to spray crap in the carburetor every time I wanted it to start.)

What the heck is a schoolie?

I mean, Johnny could do a conversion of a brand new Sprinter or transit or ProMaster, but he’s going to be a hippie.

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This is fine in general, but is hard to cash out when it comes to jacking it to someone’s instagram. Repression may sometimes disguise itself as discretion, but that doesn’t mean discretion doesn’t exist or serve its purpose.