LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I can’t say that exiling juan for linking a white supremacist twitter account for the 30th time is really the hard line statement you think it is.


We got a confirmed tough guy on Fox

jv was the worst of the worst.


It’s a start!

Get rid of Luckbox and the forum would almost be readable.


Ok clovis, you can tell us - whose avatar is doing it for you?

Juan should have been banned 5+ years ago, almost surprised he hasn’t been one of the incels to actually hurt people.

I don’t see how that is significantly different from simply masturbating to mental images of them that one didn’t get from social media.

Eh, maybe posting on 2+2 was the outlet that let him avoid going out into the real world to try and do harm.

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I will simply never understand the impulse to send a picture of your penis to someone. Never. The chance that it improves your chances of getting to show her your penis IRL has got to be .01% or something, and every single instance of that the dick picture must have been requested by the other party.

It’s digital flashing. It’s gotta be the same guys who used to flash people on public transportation right? Is this some weird monkey shit that I don’t get? Probably.


It’s a pure power play, basically forcing someone to look at your junk. If its uninvited it’s basically equivalent to “flirting” by pinching a womans butt. Totally despicable.

This. The fact that most women don’t want them is why they get sent.

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Lol you’re doing it wrong. Unsolicited dick pic equals blocked. Like instablocked.

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I would be worried that this strategy filters for a group of men that are both sexually aggressive without consent and Machiavellian enough to hide it and carefully manage it when confronted. Not a lot of fun times if you’re dating in that group.

I mean, you do it the way you want to and as a man I can’t really relate, but I think if I were a woman that got an unsolicited dick pic the immediate response would be “fuck off loser and delete my number”.

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If you asked me in 1995 what a woman should or would do if a man they knew sent them a dick pic, getting a gun or calling the police would have been on the table.

I’m old, out of touch, and a huge prude though.

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Ixnay on the ersonalpay ttacksaay!!

@beetlejuice @beetlejuice @beetlejuice


I certainly trust you to make the right calls, and I’m sorry if my comments sound condescending. The whole dick pic culture bugs me and it bothers me that anyone can treat a women that way. For total clarity, IMO it shouldn’t be your responsibility to teach these men how to behave like decent humans. But given the reality of the situation you probably have no choice.


Dicks are always fully erect in pics?

Being old…grooming down there seems bizarre to me as well.