LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Old school bus converted into something to live, camp or travel in.

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We need a schoolie/van thread imo. It’s basically my retirement plan.

Also manscaping ‘down there’ is not so much for your benefit, but rather your partners imo (and it makes it look bigger).


Interesting I’ve never heard it called that. My buddy even had one is college. It was a renovated handi-bus he has converted to a party bus.

specifically for a man, shaving and trimming is fine except for the balls man, that shit is a PAIN

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Like All-in Flynn wrote, everything has it’s place.
I see the pendulum of public discussion swinging so far to the “share everything” side, that I can’t help but think a little more discretion is in order.

If anyone wants me to go into the custom camper vehicle business for them, I’m their huckleberry. I already have a partner who does restoration of old cars lined up.


I’m curious why? What is the value in less discussion around sex?

He I used to belong to this club - in the post bus days - because they had a cabin smack dab in the prime ice climbing area of NH. I always thought the bus history was cool.


You are 100% percent correct here. My house growing up wasn’t super religious I would say but we had to go to Catholic church every Sunday until I left the house at 18. Sex was not discussed at all period, would have been super helpful to have some conversations around it. One thing I know for sure is that I will make sure I’m super open with my kids about it and they feel comfortable to come to me with any issues/questions etc. my oldest is my 11 year old son so not too far away from that now.

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Well said. The biggest benefit of openness about sex is fewer consent violations, assault etc.

I have no idea why I can’t talk about sex. No one ever said I couldn’t. I did not grow up religious. I’m not bashful otherwise.

Hence, “I shaved my balls for this”

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My solution to this was to never make the first move.

You are American. There is a deep puritanical streak through your culture. Violence is good, sex is bad.

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Yea i mean i grew up thinking for sure that you would def never ask for consent as in like “can I kiss you”, because movies don’t show it like that and thats not smooth Yo! I have since realized that yes, you definitely can, shout out to Dan Savage for that.

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lol you had me going at first and i lol’ed

Man, I’ve got my whole fantasy planned for you. Schoolie first, then you drive up in it and you can live in it on the raw land while you get your garden and greenhouse built. Then build your house.

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I feel like no one hear really needs an update on the status of my pubes.