LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I’m convinced Elon never smoked weed in his youth and that’s why he went through that weird phase where he ostentatiously smoked weed and made a bunch of 420 references like high schoolers who have just started smoking weed and want everyone to know how cool they are.


No way I believe her story without receipts.

SpaceX at least reuses their rockets, every other rocket company spews CO2 plus ditches the rocket in the ocean.

Gwynne Shotwell is the one who actually keeps SpaceX running and they’re going to launch humans from the US for the first time since the Shuttle was retired a week from today.

It’s only of interest as a matter of curiosity, really. People didn’t want reproductive rights because they felt that she specifically deserved an abortion. They weren’t going to change their minds just because she had. Sort of funny, though.

You can make up whatever straw man you want to, but you will never, ever, ever be able to craft a story that is dumber than the theory that NASA didn’t achieve the things that SpaceX did because they didn’t have the $100-odd million that Musk started SpaceX with.

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You’ll be pleased to know that SpaceX recently started turning their next-gen rocket engine off the assembly line which, in addition to generally being the most advanced rocket engine in the world, runs on methane, which produces significantly less CO2 than kerosene-based rockets!

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FWIW I think what spacex is doing is really cool. I just don’t think it makes a difference If Elon musk or a trash bag full of potato peelings was the CEO. He adds zero value other than straight cash homie.

I like space stuff and know next to nothing about Elon Musk the man, but I also really enjoyed this painting when I saw it in an exhibition a few years back.

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I understand why you believe that.

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Holy this guy is going for world record d-bag rating.

I’d be more pleased if that methane were used to keep people warm in the winter or generate electricity in places that are still using coal. Or for trucking and shipping of stuff like food.

Damn, @Rivaldo. Where you at, bro?


Serbian President with an idea for POTUS

Totally random sex question so please ignore if this kind of thing is triggering.

I was chatting with some friends and a topic came up I’m curious about “normal” peoples opinion. As I’m sure will come as no surprise my friends don’t exactly represent a broad range of sexual norms.

The question was; it is ok/ethical to use the social media of friends, colleagues or acquaintances during masturbation? This of course assumes they don’t know and never will find out?

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I’m keeping it lively ‘round here. Lol

I hope you don’t mind if I…ahem…use your avatar for a moment.

No judgment whatever floats your boat.