LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I think he was trying to say in his follow up that he was specifically not doing this.

Admittedly, I’m paying very little attention to this convo and I can’t be arsed up to go back an re-read it, but that’s what it sounded like to me.

Simp, you’re supposed to go a little further over the line to draw a temp ban. Then you do a few pushups, maybe some yoga, and come back tomorrow a little sheepish but refreshed.

Can we get a cliffs? I have an incredible aversion to any YouTube video that uses language like “absolutely annihilates” in the title…

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You understand incorrectly. Most likely on me but I 100% wasn’t saying this and tried to explain that I wasn’t. Anyway my original point wasn’t particularly interesting and we’ve devolved from there so I’m happy to drop it and move on if you are.



Fuck off.

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Posted in the wrong thread earlier. These delivery apps are trash.

Anyone looking for a house in Pittsburgh (well obv no) (but still holy shit this house)

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The gallery sequencing for that house is terrible. It starts with kinda sad, dated stuff and hides all the awesome parts in the back half.

At least we now know what we’re gonna do with all this sweet sweet unstuck income. Calling dibs on tropical boudoir

Glasshole redux?

At least no camera in these glasses.

I actually wondered about this. Most all pizza places did delivery before the delivery services and regularly had special deals and coupons.

The prices for pizza on the food delivery apps have always been mind boggling high.

But I guess I need to read to see how the scheme worked.

Edit: read it, my assumptions were wrong and Doordash was just selling their product Below their cost to buy it from the pizza place. Lol doordash.

No wonder why their losses equaled 50% of their total revenue.

Cheating machine just getting warmed up

There’s no abortion thread so sowwy

Not sure how I am gonna feel about this but I will watch. She sure as hell sounded real and not like a paid actor at the time

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This is profoundly delusional. The idea that SpaceX is flush with cash and NASA is strapped and that explains SpaceX’s successes is preposterous. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

What success? A rocket that spews CO2 into the atmosphere in missions to launch the ten thousandth piece of space junk designed to track how far we are from the nearest TJ Maxx?


If only nasa had thought to bring an early investor in the randomly selected winning online payment processor company during Apollo maybe it wouldn’t have taken them a decade to get to the moon. We’ve got scientists, engineers, physicists and top computer engineers but what we really needed all along was this guy.

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How cool! Mr. Red Pill Billionaire smokes weed too. He’s one of us bro!

Elon Musk is absolutely loathsome. I used to be sort of neutral on him and now I just want to punch his face.