LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

You’re just an idiot. I’ve had many chances in life to make quite good money based on my skills and abilities. Instead of going to med school, for which I tested in the top 1%, I went to study philosophy and live in a $400/mo apartment. Instead of staying at a big firm ripping off clients I went out on my own. Now I advise my clients how to minimize legal fees, which is why they come back to me. I have Chinese clients because I’m not greedy and don’t rip them off. Hell, I could probably double my income if I billed 40 hrs/wk. Instead, I’d rather read and waste time on news and politics and work for clients I like. Just because I think you’re an idiot doesn’t make me greedy.

Also, keep in mind that I don’t “support” him. I know any effort at nuance is lost on you. Hell, maybe you’re just don’t like him because you only identity with losers like yourself.

I actually don’t like being harsh to people. It only increases animosity in the world, but you’re regularly out of line and occasionally someone has to put slapdick losers in their place.

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First version was better.

Christopher Hale lost in a landslide

Broflakes itt!

Geez that’s a first round punchable face draft pick.

TIL that hair splinters are a thing. Kinda freaked out when I saw what I thought was a hair growing out of the bottom of my big toe.

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OMFG! I had a bunch of splinters in my fingers, and I thought they were from scrubbing the rough cabinet floor under my sink. I pulled one out, and it was very hairlike. I pulled a few more, and some were light colored, some were dark. OK, weird. Later that night, I was pulling my coronabeard, recently trimmed, and I got a part of a beard hair stuck in my finger! I guess the splinters were all the broken ends of my beard. Fucking gross. I’ve been pretty good since then about not pulling at my beard.

Beards itch like a motherfucker if you’re growing it long for the first time especially if you have sensitive skin.

Before my most recent cut, my beard was so long that it didn’t fit in my Facebook profile picture. I had to roll it up to fit it under my mask when going outside. Got it cut short the instant the barbers opened.

Wow this reply came in at 100 mph. No one was impugning you friend I’m sure you’re the most successful, amazing and humble person since donald trump. I was suggesting that it was the money that was doing cool space things. Not Musk. We could just take the money off him and do the cool space things ourselves and we wouldn’t have to put up with his insufferable countenance. It really didn’t have all that much to do with you.

Need to get your publicist on the same page.

Otherwise some slapdick loser could own you with your own words and your entire self edifice could be at risk.


NY Times with a vague, handwringing hit piece on Ronan

my cyncial take is that someone at the NYT found out Ronan is about to drop a bomb on Biden and rushed this out pre-emptively


Sounds like your hands are awfully soft. Get outside and do some shoveling or something.

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Just dropping this in for general discussion:

I don’t know anything about Stacy Abrams but found this interesting. It’s not really a negative on her as much as explaining how the media has covered her.

Dude, you’re literally too uninformed to understand my perspective. Just give up trying, it’s like watching a dog try to tell a joke.

“Herr durr, lawyers. Hurr durr, money. I’m too stupid to understand reality.”-geewhysee

The time to take the L was after you made the unnecessary second post. I know it can be tempting — some real esprit de l’escalier shit, you might even have a world-ender like ‘slapdick loser’ on your hands — but it’s always the wrong play. And now you’re just digging a hole.

Sure, I’m definitely the one with the lack of perspective in this interaction.

Flynn, I’ve read your stuff for years and I don’t even know what your politics are. That’s how substantively you post. Hell, as far as I know, you’re in the business of setting up shell companies in a tax haven.

Simp I like you and agree with you a lot but you have gone over the edge a bit the last few days. We are all having some trouble right now so I get it. Maybe take a couple days off. You don’t seem yourself.



Sick own, dude. Jesus, you need a break.

As far as I understand it, you claim that I supported Elon because I was enthralled by greed. That’s only wrong on two counts, 1) I do not “support” musk, 2) greed does not motivate me. We’ll all be dead in the blink of an eye, and there’s nothing more pathetic than Trumpian acquisitiveness. (Elon apparently agrees because he said he was getting rid of many of his houses/possessions in a recent tweet.)

I normally ignore the stuff from the dirtbag left, who I see as pushing a fantasy agenda that would make Rand Paul blush, but I get irked at ignorant or deliberate misrepresentation of my views or motivations. Discussing positions in terms of amorphous personal motivations is slippery business that is likely to lead one immediately off course, whether one speaks of lawyers or religious fundamentalists. Most people are sincere. We’re too stupid and the world is too complex not to be.

Wow. Maybe you really don’t know my politics, lol.