LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I’ll manage it as I’m on track for a few things changing (including financially), but broke and single or married with kids and having money = no big deal taking a month. Married with kids and no extra money makes taking a month off work pretty difficult.

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His opponent has been in office since 2011 and some of this stuff has been known for a while now, wtf

His opponent sounds a bit overqualified for Congress.

Whenever I am in Montreal it’s the first place I go. There is some magic pixie dust in those suckers.

Montreal has to be the best food city in Canada and maybe the world. If I lived there I would be like 400 pounds.


Seems like future POTUS material.

I have been lucky enough to eat in some of the worlds best restaurants but if I think of the best thing i have ever eaten it has to be Duck in a Can from Au Pied de Cochan in Montreal. It’s confit duck they literally serve you in a sealed tin can. It’s sublime.


Not that this is everyone’s favorite, but I lived a few blocks from and used to get bagels from Noah when there was only one Noah’s Bagels. The bagels were good - the Challah was outstanding.

I had some St. Viateur the last time I was in Montreal. It was very good, but not mind-blowing. Might be because bagels aren’t something I really love in general.

Also, what kind of respectable bagel place is Saint Anything. Just seems wrong, even if it’s just the street name.

Montreal is good but Toronto had a much deeper bench in terms of food.

I hit up their Mont-Royal location on my last trip. I really need to figure out how to relocate to Montreal permanently.


Tech Bros man - just the absolute fucking worst.


Paging narrator.



(I support Elon sometimes, as I think rockets, electric cars, and solar are not simple businesses, but he makes it more challenging than it should be.)

LOL, I wonder if this is a thing now? Chance to rebrand!

Pretty much anything about Chuck E Cheese makes me laugh, sneaky Chuck E Cheese is too much. Keep hustling Chuck

This probably belongs in the Musk thread, but it’s a nice follow-up to my post above.


Punchable faces, you say?


It’s the money you support not the man.