LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Trump v2 will use it to identify people like you who posted on left wing boards like this.

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And do what exactly?



I head about the Kennedy Krieger Institute lead poisoning study on a podcast and I can’t believe I’d never heard of it. Landlords funding straight-up Nazi shit so they won’t have to replace lead pipes.

Moreover, the Court’s rhetorical flourishes about the KKI research were scathing. The children who were the subjects of the research were likened to"canaries in a mine," exposed to serious harm as a sentinel for the benefit of others.'4 The children, it is said, were “used as guinea pigs.”'05 The Court couldnot resist adding: “Children, it should be noted, are not in our society the equivalent of rats, hamsters, monkeys, and the like.”'06 The Court also described the children as having been "enticed into living in, or remaining in, potentially lead-tainted housing and intentionally subjected to a research program, which contemplates the probability, or even the possibility, of lead poisoning …,107The parents were said to have been "improperly enticed by trinkets, food stamps,money or other items …10

The Court then named the Tuskegee Syphilis Study,where effective treatment was deliberately withheld from patients affected with syphilis; the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study, in which seriously ill patients were injected with cancer cells without their consent; the Japanese military’s use of"plague bombs" in World War II; and typhus experiments by the Nazis at Buchenwald concentration camp.

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It won’t be him actually. It will other people.
People with immigration status issues. People who blow whistles on employers. People who make trouble And don’t have money. And anyone acquiescing makes it easier.

Protecting your privacy rights is like wearing a mask. It’s to protect other people.

I don’t know how much of this can be done before re-opening, but I’m going to start doing more walking/hiking with a mind towards building up to some kind of long hike like the Camino de Santiago or Pacific Crest Trail or whatever. Any other Californians - at some point this will mean like Mt. Whitney or other hikes in the area if you want to co-hike.

Maybe I’ll start tomorrow with at least every Sunday being at least 5 miles. My main difficulty is time. Physically I’m a little worried about pain/neuropathy in my foot and hip. I think they are both caused by driving and installing solar, but there’s definitely a component that’s just about getting old.


December and January though?

You think the calendar is round like a globe and not flat like the earth?


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Whelp, looks like south Florida is heading for a rough end to the month, aside from COVID. We have been teetering on having a severe drought, and the last two weekends we were supposed to have big rains come through and save us, but they didn’t materialize as hoped. I have to monitor this stuff for my job, I’m somewhat of an expert on Lake Okeechobee and the Central and Southern Florida Project for Flood Protection (the massive federal drainage project that was built in the 50sish and drained half the Everglades). On Friday I was on a call with utilities directors for a couple of the major metropolitan areas in south East Florida and they described the situation as dire. I have no idea what this will mean for the rest of the month.

This whole situation has been caused by mismanagement of Lake Okeechobee, but no one is admitting it. It’s fucking infuriating. Last year Brian Mast, the US Rep for the Stuart/Port St Lucie area used his political leverage to force the Army Corps Of Engineers to deviate from the Lake’s normal regulations schedule and lower it going into the rainy season last summer in a misguided attempt to prevent high-volume discharges from the Lake to the coastal estuaries. At the time all the people who rely on the Lake for their water supply said it was a huge mistake, and we would be fucked if we had a dry wet season. Well, sure enough, we had a super dry summer (pretty much because Hurricane Dorian didn’t hit us), and have had a slightly drier than average winter/spring. The result is as we feared, our water supplies are in serious danger, and the environment is getting wrecked. The Everglades and Big Cypress have been on fire and Florida Bay is hyper-saline.

The really fucked up thing is that Mast has been backed by The Everglades Foundation, which is a big, well-funded Environmental group that funds many other smaller environmental groups. They have been, and still are, promoting the success of the deviation since there were few discharges last summer (none of the will acknowledge that it was just variance, not management), and they want to make this permanent (the Lake schedule is in the process of being revised).

On top of that, they have an ally in Ron DeSantis whose primary campaign promise was stopping the blue-green algae discharges, so he stacked the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District with what amount to toadies who only care about the estuaries, so they are just going along for the ride. The Everglades Foundation has run a successful Pr campaign using Big Sugar as a cartoon-like villain who takes all the water in the Lake and is the only group that beneifits from keeping water in the Lake. Big Sugar is not a defensible entity, but in this instance they are not bad actors, and there are around 6 million people that rely on the Lake either directly or indirectly for water, including two Indian tribes. It’s a mess.

I’ve completely lost all respect for the Everglades Foundation watching them over the past year basically lie to all these environmental groups and cities.



Well, a few hours on a Sunday isn’t a problem, but going on a walk for a month might be…but, might not be. My youngest recently turned 18 and is graduating HS this year and I’m working on reverting back to a 20 year old.


Do you happen to have a comprehensive article you could share that goes into all the details? This is interesting to me for a few reasons and I would like to read more.



Here are a couple that kind of scratch the surface and provide a flavor of the surface level narrative that’s going on. I’m happy to answer questions, and I might be able to share insights into what these articles are talking about:

This presents a good representation of the Everglades Foundation’s narrative:

“Instead of being the shield that it was intended to be, [the savings clause] has become a sword for the sugar industry to oppose projects or demand they be reconfigured to its benefit and the environment’s detriment,” the Everglades Foundation wrote.

The Everglades Trust said, “This is an attempt to guarantee the sugar industry a level of service that no other water user in the country is given — to the detriment of everyone and everything else,” adding the provision would mean “a certain death to the Everglades and three nationally important estuaries, taking Florida’s economy and future with them.”

This article does a decent job of talking about the different interests in this, including one of the Tribes involved, the Miccosukee:

It has been a big part of my job for the past year and a half or so to understand the history and legislative authorizations for the drainage project and the Army Corps’ authority to manage Lake Okeechobee. It’s basically a ton of very specific and useless information outside the context of this process, which the Corps is calling the Lake Okeechobee System Operation Manual. If you google that it should come up with the Corps’ web page on it.

Most of the stuff I’m saying about the Everglades Foundation comes from my personal observations from following this project and being engaged with the Corps, the SFWMD and attending more public meetings than I can recall.

Really, it will probably be this upcoming week that a lot of stuff could happen and shake loose.


My understanding of the environmental groups interest is to get as much water to the Everglades as possible. I’ve watched past documentaries touting changes to do that as a victory, though I think that was achieved by changing flow direction downstream of the lake, rather than pumping lake water into the Everglades.

So it makes sense that they would want to avoid flooding and draw down the Lake, since that apparently forces water east and pollutes the canals and ICW there.

Are you reasonably flexible and agile still? I was driving so much that I was pretty much tight as a drum all the time, and then when running or hiking I was having pain and injuring myself. I went for deep tissue massage regularly for a while and it made a big improvement. But of course that is off limits now due to the virus situation. But you could work on yourself with foam/lacrosse ball rolling and a stretching/yoga program. (If you have the discipline to do it yourself.)

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Wow that’s a great picture of Ron Jeremy and two giant trees.

I could probably use some stretching. I can touch my toes with my legs straight, but barely.

I think I’m pretty agile. There’s a bit of agility involved in carrying solar panels up ladders and around roofs by yourself.

I’m always wrong when I diagnose myself, so I should just go to a doctor, but at this point I think osteoarthritis in my sacroiliac and Morton’s Neuroma in one foot that I think I’ll cure via behavioral changes.

This seems like it should be a reasonably compelling argument:
