LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Start with the YouTubes, you may find a series you like. It’s basic office software so I’d assume every on-line training site has something. I liked the Coursera course I took on R a while back, I’d start there.

Another one gone

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so in GOP rigging news, well this is GOP on GOP carnage and if you’re wondering if they’re willing to make it so blatant even stupid people would notice, yes they are.

Oy @ChrisV :hugs:


Not sure if this is the right thread, but as a non-American, I have a question I hope this forum can answer.

As I understood it, the current wave of Confederate sympathy started in the '60s as a response to the civil rights movement. (I suppose you could call it the previous wave, because 2008 re-lit a spark.) However, on the wiki of the 1926 movie The General I read:

Keaton did not believe that the audience would accept Confederates as villains and changed the story’s point of view.

There is no reference for that particular claim, so I wondered if neo-Confederates have been snowflakes since the end of the civil war, or if it was some wikipedia editor making things up. Any help would be appreciated.

I know others here can speak in much more detail about it but yeah the Confederacy love happened way before the ‘60s. You can see here in this graph that most of the confederate statutes that they get their panties in a bunch about removing were built in the early 1900s.

Edit add: You May want to read up on (I think) Daughters of the Confederacy group. Also formed in the early 1900s I think.


Kind of cool you pulled it off with the only two consecutive months with 31 days.

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Thanks. Interesting to see that the civil rights peaks pales in comparison to the peak just before WWI

Also, as I went through the list of accolades for the movie (it was number 18 on the American Film Institute top 100 in 2007) nobody ever mentions that the Confederates were the good guys in this movie. Like, Riefenstal’s Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will), pioneered several movie techniques. Yet no one in their right mind would claim that it was one of the best movies ever, because it glorifies Nazis. Why can’t the same be true for The General? (Rhetorical question; I know it’s because many don’t see the Confederates as the American version of the Nazis [or even worse; some like them because they were])

Which burbs?

Coyotes are starting to adapt really well to urban environments. They’ve become completely nocturnal - which is not their normal behavior. We have them all over down here in the south bay. They’re rampant in the Hollywood HIlls where my ex lives. You can smell their piss in her backyard. I’ve seen them crossing the street and just looked at me like no big deal.

Deleted that because it outed my email address - not that I really care that much.

I posted about how I had seen a coyote crossing Crenshaw at a very busy spot. The coyotes out in like Silverlake are crazy bold. I’ve seen 4 or 5 together there in the middle of the day. They come into our neightborhood in MB at night and have gotten a couple cats. I’ve seen them a couple times there, but only really early or late at night. I’ve seen one with my dog and she wanted to go after it. She definitely did not think of it as a relative of dogs.

Yeah it’s amazing how fast they’ve spread from Palos Verdes to roam over the whole South Bay.

Dogs are descended from wolves and I’m going to assume wolves have an innate hatred of coyotes as a competitor.

Could be, but my dog is pretty eager to chase after any animal (squirrel, possum, raccoon, cat, automobile, etc). She knows dogs are different though. It’s pretty funny how even a chihuahua is 100% a dog, but a coyote got treated more like a cat. (of course I don’t let my dog go after cats - I love cats. I probably have that damn parasite that makes you love cats)

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1894: Daughters of the Confederacy formed because women didn’t like the way hoods messed up their hair.
1896: Plessy vs Fergusen (Separate But Equal doctrine upheld by Supreme Court)
1909 NAACP formed

The turn of the century was a time of civil rights struggle that often gets overlooked because of the 1960s

Literally seconds after I read your post, I saw this on twitter. Mind blown…

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I don’t give a shit what’s done with my data. What are they gonna do, use it to elect Trump?

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