LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Yeah travel insurance is generally 2 or 3 mill when we go over.

Thanks guys

Ballot harvesting is when people collect mail-in ballots and submit them on behalf of voters, something that is generally restricted to family/household members or caregivers if allowed in other states. Republicans credit ballot harvesting with flipping some seats to Dems after California made it legal in 2016.

Republicans think it is a vehicle for rampant Democratic voter fraud, which means that, using their logic, they probably feel justified to use it to commit actual voter fraud.

Literally everything they whine about is shit they do.

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Can anyone recommend a good, even free, online excel course or video series? I’d like to use some of my downtime to get more skilled at spreadsheets.

I don’t know about Excel specifically but I have used for basic data analytics and found it pretty useful. It’s also free (well, pay what you want technically).

More healthcare fun. Son most likely broke his collar bone a few weeks ago during the height of the pandemic scare. We went to the hospital system I work at. Kind of scary to show up and no one’s there but a person in full hazmat suit.

Anyways they weren’t going to let me in, but the doctor made the call that since my son’s special needs they’ll allow us both into the hospital.

They take x rays, sure enough collar bone is snapped. Doctor comes around, tells us that for young kids they do nothing for collarbones. Sent us out the door with some aspirin.

Bill comes back, 3k, for a pat on the back and some aspirin because the ER doctor is out of network on the insurance of the same hospital network that I work at and I went to.

Supposedly the insurance is going to argue it down, but who knows.



Hmm… my daughter broke her collarbone when she was 8-ish. They gave her a brace that went around her shoulders to hold them back in the correct position. I thought the doc made a bit of a deal at the time that she needed to wear it or it could knit back together crooked (or even not knit back together?) and disrupt the fabric of space-time.

Knowing only this vote run out I am going to assume the bill is fucking awful

This post confirms my hypothesis

Murderers’ Row of Assholes. It is impossible for this group to agree unanimously on anything that should be law.

No vote required.


I broke my collar bone in about 1995. I had no insurance. It cost me something like $500. Just got a sling.

I just got, I think, the single stupidest email I’ve ever received. I’d asked someone, in one sentence, if a deadline was July the 31st or August the 31st, as I’d seen things claiming both. This is about something that was launched yesterday and is currently live with contradictory info. They replied with one word:



That sucks. But hey, at least you had CHOICE.

Ugh that sucks. I feel bad for your son, too. Collar bone breaks are painful and incredibly annoying because every little movement makes them hurt. Can be especially tough when you’re a kid. (I broke one collar bone in 1st grade, then broke the other one in two places in college)

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Unless I’m completely misunderstanding things, the “yes” side was the good side.


This is a huge problem for Alabama Man. Been deleted 3 times reposting

The list of Republican nays is just as bad and even longer.

Grassley is the WOAT imo