LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Is it Azerbaijan you’re from Lapka?

Mr Bald has many videos from Russia and surrounding areas… Plus more.


These are not my writing or posts… My vocabulary is not near as good, or my education. :blush:

:+1: He’s stuck in Belarus atm… +14 days and counting. :pensive:

There was a thread in bbv4l with pictures of Russian Airbnb rooms. They were pretty dreadful.

Could only get 59 votes.

Four senators—Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) missed the vote. The amendment would have passed if any of them had voted “yes.”

Republican yeas: Braun, Cassidy, Cramer, Crapo, Ccruz, Daines, Enzi, Ernst, Gardner, Grassley, Hawley, Hoeven, Kennedy, Lee, Loeffler, McSally, Moran, Murkowski, Paul, Risch, Rounds, Scott-SC, Scott-FL, Sullivan

Democratic nays: Carper, Casey, Feinstein, Hassan, Jones, Kaine, Manchin, Shaheen, Warner, Whitehouse

Diane Feinstein is the end of any CA GOAT bullshit. She SUCKS.

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I saw this on twitter and I’m very confused by Bernie’s failure to vote.

I was actually looking to do this when I went on my Epic European Vacation in 2017. Basically, you gotta get a shitload of sponsors to advertise and link to in your articles and you have to write a lot of them. Like multiple articles per day to make anything. You also have to already have a significant social media presence to build off of.

Simply put, it was too much work for too little profit. With YouTube videos taking over the spoken word when it comes to travel, hits on blogs are hard to come by.

I did a little writing here and there. I mean I can probably write some retrospects looking back on the first half of 2017 but I didn’t experience the level of danger that smacc did. The EU isn’t the former Soviet Union.

My friend rolled a joint In Moscow Airport, the fucking Airport… When I turned around and seen what he was doing I got up and walked away… Stunned.

Went back to him before he lit it up and was like WTFFFFFFFF.

90’s :flushed:

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Nobody was reading it. So I stopped.

It was also more of a psychological thing to manage my issues back then.

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Bernie is well known for missing votes for no good reason (though I don’t know why in this instance). Won’t matter for any future election but some on twitter are finally noticing this.

Murray would’ve voted yes–she was on a flight.

Alexander is in isolation because a staffer has covid, dunno about sasse.

The other people who voted no really suck but at least they show up.

remember the old days where republicans actually had enough shame to not blatantly say the quiet part out loud.

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wtf is ballot harvest?

Need some lawbro advice: my gf is getting sued for personal injury as a result of the car accident I previously posted about. Her insurance had found her not at fault.

The internet tells me the insurance company will defend her and will cover the cost if the case is lost. The suit is for $25k, which I assume is less than her policy total (we haven’t looked it up yet). She’ll be reaching out to her insurance company ASAP. Anything else I should be aware of or look into? (State is VA if it matters.)

The insurance company will handle everything. These usually get settled for $5k - $10k because lol America.


It’s crazy you would wonder if your policy has 25k coverage. When my brother moved to the states he got car insurance and asked for the standard $2,000,000. The guy looked at him like he was from mars. Apparently you guys only insure for tens of thousands. Here like 98% of cars are insured for more than a million.

I assume that’s 5-10k that the insurance company covers? She’s got no $, though they’re welcome to her student loan debt

Yep that’s what insurance is for. They found her no fault so will pay any settlement and all costs.

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