LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I’ve watched some fair number of Simpsons episodes but was never a fanatic. I didn’t own a TV for a good period of time when my entire social life was focused on rock and ice climbing.

He always seemed to have some Michael Landon in him to me.

According to Wiki:

McClure was based on the typical “washed up” Hollywood actor. B movie actors Troy Donahue and Doug McClure served as inspiration for his name and certain character aspects.[1][12][13] Doug McClure found the homage funny and his children called him “Troy McClure” when his back was turned.[1][13] According to show creator Matt Groening, Phil Hartman was cast in the role due to his ability to pull “the maximum amount of humor” out of any line he was given.[12] McClure’s visual appearance is similar to that of Hartman himself.[14] When he was designed, McClure was given an extra line under his eyes to suggest that the character had gotten a facelift.[15]

Troy Donahue:

Doug McClure (who was in the Virginian):

When I was 6 or 7 I wanted to be Trampas when I grew up.

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I’ve seen at least a few episodes, and I think I might have watched the movie. But it’s not just the Simpsons. The number of TV shows that aired circa 1988-2005 that I’ve seen more than a few episodes of is very low, maybe a half dozen.

You may remember him from such films as “The Erotic Adventures of Hercules” and “Dial ‘M’ for Murderousness"


You watched a half dozen shows from 1988-2005 and one of them wasn’t The Simpsons? JFC.


Are you referring to this?

I’m not sure why you’re being sarcastic. That would have been some pretty good progress if I had in fact found such an example. But Clovis denies that it’s OK to kink shame that couple. Try to keep up.

Goddamit I didn’t need to read that. Now I’m going to be trying to figure out how the hell someone would want to be the victim.


I really have to adjust my podcast listening habits.

In positive news, I have an actual mask now! It took over a month but I finally got one.

It’s weird to have my beard protruding from it but it is there.

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Do we? Can’t we just accept that words of our language are imprecise sometimes?

Sure, but being imprecise comes in degrees. There’s a pretty big difference between kink = unusual thing that is sexy (LouisCyphre) kink = consensual sex act that involves a power dynamic (Clovis). If I’m being told not to do something, I want to know with some specificity what that thing is.

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In some cases immediate death is preferable to the alternative.

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If Cortes, Columbus and Andrew Jackson were a 10 on the evil colonizer scale, maybe the Baja mission priests were about a 3.5?

I just put this Easter Egg in my book, so you all have to buy it now.

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Why “maybe”? Tell me what you think, suzzer!

If you actually publish your book I’ll buy 10. I relish the opportunity to discuss the circumstances with friends and family. “So the author is friend of yours?” “Uh, no, he’s actually just some rando who hearted a couple of my posts. On an internet politics forum. We got thrown off the poker forum!”


In my 10 year running FF league I go by “Lionel Hutz Law Offices”. If I win the next year I’m “YMRMFSS as winning last year”

I’ll buy a bunch too, unless suzzer tries to become the BobboFitos of self-published travel books.

Twitter tip: unfollow anyone with one of those stupid ass sentence length sub-handles

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