LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Some BDSM relationships can involve marking your partner with bruises significant enough for you to recoil at but which Clovis would think are an acceptable choice for people who choose that lifestyle. More than a little whipping, but not knocking out teeth.


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The level of consent is relative to the nature of the sex act. I guess theoretically, the scenario you describe would be ok if consensual, but the level of consent would be extreme.

It’s not that interesting to take the most extreme scenario when 99.99999% of cases don’t involve those issues.

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I’m more of the mind that kink shaming is generally impolite and we should usually be polite, but there are times when impoliteness is called for.

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I think my point is that progressive sexual politics is overly impressed by consent. Consent is necessary for the permissibility of any sex act, but it isn’t sufficient. Consent must always exist, but consent doesn’t permit everything and anything that comes after.

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I agree this can be annoying, but it has a point. I’m trying to show that kink shaming can be acceptable in at least one case. From there I can work up to what’s wrong with NBZ lol.

If it makes you feel better, I consent to you trying to kink shame on this particular issue.


I don’t get the reference. afaik sexual orientation and gender aren’t considered kinks.

The running joke is that Troy McClure has some weird fetish, possibly related to fish, which is so scandalous he can’t even mention it by name.


I wish there was a Republican with a known ball-busting fetish so Clovis could scold us for kink shaming him.

I don’t know what a Troy McClure is. I should probably put a note on my profile page noting that I am only somewhat familiar with most of the TV shows used as cultural reference points.

Oh man, that’s pretty good. +10 hermit points.

+10 for me too. Is he related to Doug McClure?

lapka and possibly jalfrezi not knowing Troy McClure might not be so bad, but zikzak not knowing is a serious flaw.

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I know more Americans over age 30 who have never seen a single Star Wars movie than have never watched the Simpsons. In fact the club might be zikzak.

I don’t know Troy McClure and my just said she has no idea either.

Edit: Ok I googled and instantly recognize the character but never would have been able to put a name to it.

I don’t think you can officially be Gen-X if you’ve never watched the Simpsons. You’re like the undead version of Gen-X wandering the earth w/o a soul or something.

Apparently Troy was based on Doug from The Virginian, so I was sort of right.

Narrator: only zikzak knows what he’s talking about

Congratulations! You found an example of consensual sex to kink shame that was safely a step away from manslaughter.

He was mentally ill. (Edited to add bolded:) Some severely mentally ill people are unable to consent.