LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

That’s a hell of a shot.



Good thing they have masks on. Wouldn’t want to be unsafe.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Whoever wasn’t incredibly mentally fucked up in one way or another going in there is going to be when they get out.


@clovis8 is always down to talk about sex, Bryce. It’s just a matter of timing.

Happy to see you tho, I caught up on the thread and it’s a bummer to end on this note.

I started to fall down the rabbit hole, but called it good before I ocd hours away. In the few that I did, this was the one I liked the most:

In a month will those AI memes all be super racist like the MS chatbot?

You are right. I should have been clearer. Some mentally ill people are unable to consent as is the case with the person who wanted to be eaten by somebody else.

But no problem figuring out why someone would want to be the perpetrator?

Less of a problem imo given how many sadists there are.

That’s a pretty narrow brand of sadism, though!

Serial killers that eat people are a known phenomenon. Hell, they’re practically celebrated as a part of America’s culture of violence.

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They’re also super rare, and it’s pretty offensive that literally every time bdsm comes up around vanilla people it gets talked about. Don’t get me wrong abuse gets talked about a lot in the kink community… But it’s rarely about murder.

If anyone wants to do some research on the state of discussion in the kink community about this kind of stuff Google SSC or rack which are both concepts so common they got turned into acronyms back when acronyms were popular decades back.

Really boring and old hat, which is why this board is about politics and not sex. Clovis I know your heart is in a good place, but I don’t get the compulsion to be the ambassador for adults who are really into sex on the internet.

Edit: Bryce this forum isn’t for sex lol at least in my opinion.

Not sure I would call it a compulsion since I never start the discussion. I simple weigh in when I see misleading or bigoted information. I do so because it’s one of the last lifestyles that is still both misunderstood by the left, and in many cases, ok to mock.

Fair enough. Personally I just ignore any mention and move on. I’ll probably delete that last post of mine if I think about it for longer than 5 minutes today. I’m way too linked to this username IRL honestly.

Being public about sex has never seemed like a good idea to me.

So, now we’re kink-shaming exhibitionists?

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Don’t agree with your last point. The more this kind of thing is discussed the less scary it is for people. LGBTQ+ is the model. Progress is impossible if everyone is in the closet.


We upgraded our ERP software over the weekend, this keyboard shortcut for printing gives you an idea of how much I hate the new software:
great shortcut


Good, good


You really hate to see it

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