LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I have no idea what a tittle is but my you have my attention.

Naw, I trust you on that end.

I’m just teasing regarding the word use, of course. I’m organizing a FFB league, a phone bank, a trip to Disneyland are all ordinary and proper uses. But… I’d still tease somebody who entitled a thread to start a FFB league “Organizing UnStuck” just as much.

My Q was how do phone bankers get somebody back on script who wants to turn the call into an actual conversation (a bilateral chat) instead of meekly being the victim of a push-poll?

I used to do that with the religious folks who used to come to the door: “I’ll give you a chance to bring me to Jesus -if- you give me an equal chance to talk you into being an atheist”. Fair is fair I’d tell them. The honest ones would tell me they don’t got time for that shit.

You’re going to have wildly different outcomes if you take this approach to a phone banker depending on their level of engagement and experience. If you got me, I would have a conversation with you. If you got a greenhorn, they’d probably stumble through an apology and try to get off the phone as fast as they can. Then the campaign organizer would curse you for being the type of respondent that makes people hate phone banking. Most people, even volunteers, don’t know how to talk about things at that level. They just want to help defeat Trump or whoever.

But neither of us would have any actual power to drive campaign decisions, so the only true outcome for you would be a waste of time for both parties. So much banking is done regardless of location, as well, so you’re as likely to get someone in New York as you are someone in San Diego.

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Of course. I’d go as far as saying the only true outcome is wasting my time, as the banker is already wasting their time (and doing the X-hour shift) regardless.

I’ve blogged this here before, but the last time I had a precinct walker come a’nockin it turned out to be the candidate herself. She was actually a good sport about chatting not all about herself, took my offered lit & links, and promised to do her own research. She was also a luser.

in other news, this made me think of you

or ins0


I haven’t listened to an entire album since 1998.

I like this a lot. Kinda reminds me of my favorite progressive house DJ.

This is apparently from a Fast Times at Ridgemont High table read.

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One of the eternal mysteries of Gran Tornio is that a deplorable like Eastwood actually made Gran Torino.


Rogan 2024

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I’m LOL-ing @ myself, as our passivity training from birth catches me out too,

FYI: a phone zap is the same exact thing as phone banking. You got a script and a number… go to work. In my hypothetical, I was asking the banker to personally phone zap… not trying to influence the campaign in any way whatsoever,

Now I’m pretty sure that most folks, if they gave it some thought, would agree that spending a shift phone zapping for prisoners >>>> a shift phone banking for politicians, by any reasonable metric.

But I still agreed (without really thinking about it), and still agree (after I thought about it a bit), that the chances of talking a phone banker into phone zapping is effectively -zero-. Which, if I am correct… really doesn’t say good things about the phone bankers.

With the IRL example of the politician doing her own precinct walking, I didn’t try to change her “platform” either, Instead, I tried to talk her into attending to a union meeting. Which was slightly hilarious in it’s own right.

She said “I’d love to talk to your union”. I said LOL @ that ever happening. We have a 100+ year policy of not endorsing or contributing to candidates, parties, or propositions. We don’t allow politics or religion at our meetings. We got a lotta sayings, including “We check our politics at the door” of the union house. I explained I didn’t invite her to campaign upon us, or try to score our sweat,sweat dues $$$ for herself… I invited her to consider organizing with us.

Then I remembered she said she had a mom & pop law office. I asked her: “Do you and your husband have employees?” She said “Yep”. I said: “Oh wait, that makes you a boss. You wouldn’t be welcome”.

Anyways, you folks should phone bank for the dude running against D.Issa, because…

  1. Issa is a dick, and needs to go away
  2. You folks get way more bang-for-buck in a House race.
  3. You personally have previous & positive experience with the challenger’s campaign.
  4. Did I mention… Issa is a dick who really needs to go away!

I still listen to plenty of albums front to back. I would say that I often put on a shuffle mix in the background while doing something else (working, driving, making dinner, etc.) but if I’m going to put on headphones and listen to music as the primary activity I tend to pick an album.




Spent many a night sitting, talking to Richie in the clubs while he span away… A true gent.

He has a street named after him in East Germany :sweat_smile: Hawtin St.

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No. For one, Clint is not some KKK John Wayner. For two GT is full of the “I don’t see color” “don’t be a snowflake” “I hate political correctness” but I’m not a racist stuff that Clint has always had in movies.