LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

There’s no way I’m doing this and trusting that Elon’s “fully self-driving” car won’t ram me.

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It really won’t.

I’m an engineer, I’ve tested everything on that car. it will come to a stop on autopilot…as a matter of fact, stop and go traffic is one of the best places to use AP.


This is on the highway I drive all the time. Crazy. Hope he loses his license for a long time.

I’m a (retired) developer and every complex system has bugs.

It doesn’t matter how many times you test something complex, you can’t prove there are no bugs. The purpose of testing is only to find faults. When you run out of time or money or can’t find any more faults you stop testing.

Having said that, it’s probably quite safe (or will be after the first few guinea pigs have died).


And while we’re talking BOC:

Definitely a BOC fan. I saw a fanmade trailer for Pi and I was hooked on their song “Music is Math”

Shit, I want to watch this again.

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Pi was the first indie movie I ever saw, it really sucked me in. I forgot that Hector Salamanca was in it.

I enjoy every Aranofsky movie I’ve seen. Even The Fountain, which only has 52% on RT.

Definitely behind on his films. Haven’t seen Noah or The Fountain.

Hell I don’t even think Pi is his best film. Give me Requiem for a Dream over that any day.

The directors cut of Requiem is his best ever. It’s gut wrenching though.

I haven’t seen Noah yet either.


It’s definitely one of the most influential indie films I saw back in the halcyon days of discovery. Right next to Akira and Oldboy.

Seeing Akira on acid in 95 is like 5% of my brain.

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My daughter often does her homework to this channel.

You’re not supposed to do Boards of Canada songs, you need to put on your pretentious electronic music snob hat and go for the full album journeys.

For those who take the time to get what it’s all about, their music actually has something to say and references things very specific to people our age. I don’t expect that to improve your opinion of them, just putting it out there.


I was going through some boxes and I found one of these. I remember setting it aside because I couldn’t get it going. Trick is you have to spin it fast enough initially. I can do it now, with string. It was fun for a few minutes. Now what?

That is incredible. Wow! Thanks for posting.

Dayvan Cowboy is the best BOC song

Rogan moving to Austin is going to destroy this country.

As special as they are to me, especially the lore and mechanics of their production tech, Aphex’s best songs are better. Id put Future Sound of London’s opus “Dead Cities” over their best album. Nothing will ever touch the production on that album for its complexity. Id throw Neotropic’s “15 Levels of Magnification” in there too.

But nobody touches BOC on pure nostalgia. They are also insanely musical compared to their peers.

The progenitors of sound from the late 90s and early millennium are imitated so frequently nowadays that they don’t get proper credit in the age of algorithms and ipods. I kinda feel sorry for anyone under Gen X. Brooding synths are served up like hotcakes nowadays. Id rather have not been born than to be dead enough inside not to appreciate these dudes.

A few of my personal favorites. These guys take you into those places that are so special its painful. Kinda like Pink Floyds most introspective moments on steroids.


How do they say all these things w/o lyrics?