LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I was making a point about VRBO then noticed you made the same point. It’s ok.

I see we are now well into the grifting phase of the lifecycle of niche candidates who appeal to a bunch of weirdos

Elon Musk endorsed Yang. Obviously.

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As a kid, even a small plot with corn, peas, potatoes, carrots, strawberry, zucchini taught me enough to hate it. Father’s side grew up rural and liked all that.
On a small horse farm now, and no chores for me. I pay rent mother****er.
(Except taking care of the pool. I like doing that)

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As the others pointed out, this was definitely not an LDO 5-4.

The majority was Roberts, Kagan, Sotomayor, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.

The chance of those exact 5 being on the majority of 5-4 ever again is pretty slim.

Edit: I need a faster pony

I’m fascinated by the SCOTUS cases with weird mixes like this.

I guess there are normal cases, and then there are political cases where they know which side they should vote on. The normal cases are much more wide open - where personal theories can come into play. But mostly we only notice the political cases.

When it gets really weird is stuff like the Obamacare cases where I swear someone tapped Roberts and said - hey we don’t really want to be in a “you broke it, you bought it” situation, so can you please take one for the team?

But that sounds pretty illuminati-esque.

But then again - he never seems to step up on anything else. He’s certainly down for rigging the vote as much as possible. And not just ok with it - but massively activist court proactive for it.

That’s pretty damn cool.



2020 just getting better and better.

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Gotta say. Lived in Asia for four years and never seen or heard of one. But damn that’s disturbing

Fuck off with that shit.


I’m moving to Antarctica.

When I was a child in the 70s there were scary reports about it only being a few years before the killer bees were going to make their way to the northern USA.

I guess they REALLY don’t like the cold.


I remember that from the 80s. Man, there was an entire genre of B-disaster movies and associated Wu Tang tracks based around Africanized bees. Actually, that’s a pretty impressive cast for a disaster movie.


They need to bring back the all-star ensemble cast disaster movie. The 70’s classics like The Poseidon Adventure and Towering Inferno were packed with A-listers. The closest we’ve had in recent years was Armageddon, and that was 1998.

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There are killer bees in CA. I’ve been chased by a few when I got out to look at view at Anza Borrego. It would really suck to run into them on a motorcycle or hiking.

Anyone have a recommendation for a super soaker I can use to squirt my wife with tequila this quarantine summer? Need like 6 foot range with solid pressure. If it can keep cold for awhile that would be dope.


In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Now, for the first time, they have arrived in the United States.

This is the stuff of nightmares.

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we’ll think of something

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