LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I’d think the best play in tennis is to smash it directly at Serena and hope she’d flinch and miss the shot.

I’ve played against a pro when I was like 16, its unreal Standing on that baseline trying to hit it, nevermind get it in and my experience was against a player in the 500’s in seedings :joy:

Thankfully I beat his ass at squash, yeah I did. :sunglasses:

I guess snooker is a fair comparison because smashing those reds up would work at least once.

Fiber One original cereal isn’t tasty but it works. That I can tell you.

Those shirts are great and would actually work pretty well as a school’s mission statement.

All Lives Matter should be fine too, even if it’s idiotic.

MAGA? No way cuz it’s a Trump slogan.

Don’t really know the history of Thin Blue Line or why an educator would want to wear it. I assume it falls into the OK but dumb category.

Which one of you UPers said this…


In this case I don’t think we have to throw up our hands and pretend that whatever action someone is taking is ipso facto that which makes the person happier and thus utility optimizing. When people repeatedly acknowledge that their behavior patterns are causing then long term pain that, with hindsight, is not worth the short term “happiness” then we know that the person would be better off changing. And they know they would be better off changing. We don’t need a perfect happiness calculator to conclude that, IMO.

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Somewhat macabre, but my buddy and I were talking about how we were so old that there were people we know as adults that we subsequently lost track of who almost surely had to be dead now.

I thought of this absolutely incredible retired professor who was 89 when I graduated college and who I knew through a dinner group of professors I was inexplicably allowed to attend.

This lady was such a badass, I couldn’t possibly do her justice. I once was at a conference with her where we left before 7 a.m. and didn’t get home until after midnight–there’s a wild story in here, I actually got slapped by a professor from Tom Monaghan’s Ave Maria College and might have told this story before but if not I’ll happily share.

Anyways, I google this woman to find out what happened to her. Not only is she still alive at 106, I contacted another professor to get her e-mail address and just sent her an e-mail. Apparently her daughter reads her e-mails to her because her eyesight is poor, but she is still as mentally sharp now as she was then–that is, no obvious cognitive decline.

If anyone is going to make it to 106, it really was her, she was just an unreal force. But still, this was quite pleasantly surprising.


Holy crap that’s incredible.

I’ve thought about my old landlord at college - a 60ish guy who was also one of my professors in my physics degree program. I stiffed him out of the last two summer months of rent after senior year - $600. He called me once after college and I promised I’d get him the money. I never did.

I always felt bad about that as I think it’s the only debt I’ve never paid. Then I I realized he’s almost certainly long dead. But then again, maybe he’s in his 90s and still mad at me. He seemed like a drinker though so I doubt it.

Also fuck year long leases in college towns. BS. And the place was a pit. We rented a carpet cleaner and made 4 passes before the water was anything but black. The furniture that came with it was so shitty we put it all on the porch and told him to come get it.

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As an addition, she taught a regular evening continuing education class until 2014 and continued to teach sporadically until 2018.

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In a 6-0, 6-0 match, Serena will serve 24 points. She’ll return 24 points. She will never double fault (unless you return well enough to challenge a 2nd serve). She will never miss a return if you serve less than 100 mph.

Now, how hard do you serve?

Returning a Djokovic serve would be like hitting a 100mph fast ball. A complete accident.


I do wonder if it would be more likely to return a Djokovic serve or a (man out of baseball at the moment…googling) Jacob deGrom (yep definitely out of baseball) fastball. Yeah both would be complete accidents. I think I’ve got a better shot a deGrom fastball than Djokovic serve, but basing that on just speculation.

Oh yeah, I’m probably more likely to hit a 100 mph blindfolded just because of that

You can hit a 100 mph fastball with no movement in a batting cage. You just have to keep swinging sooner until you catch up to it.

A serve with movement is probably another story. But a racket it a lot bigger surface area than a baseball bat. Maybe you get lucky a few times.

I think your best chance is that playing against a shlub throws the top pro so far off their game they make an unforced error. They’d have to be super motivated to get their A-game. Which for Serena or Djoko means what - $500k is on the line?

Underhand serve ftw

As for hitting a 100 mph fastball, bunt.

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My old college landlord was a Lebanese pothead guy who didn’t give a fuck if I was two weeks late with the rent. Like, my irresponsible undergraduate self had to knock on his door to give him the two-weeks-late rent check and he would be like “My brother! hang out and chill!”. Also, he would make me fresh Turkish coffee, which is incredible shit. And sometimes him and I and a Chinese exchange student went off to Dearborn for some amazing Lebanese food. Good times. They give you so much food at these places, it’s their way of being hospitable. I had leftovers for three days.


Yeah like there might be a better chance I make contact to a Djokovic serve than a deGrom pitch.

But there is much less chance I make a meaningful contact to Djokovic serve than a deGrom pitch.

My favorite scene in any movie lately is in Gran Torino when the Hmong families all bring Clint tons of food out of gratitude. I cried like a baby.

Food is the window to the soul of a culture and the quickest way to short circuit cultural differences.

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I dunno. Hitting a 95+ mph pitch with movement - with a 3" bat - while you’re scared shitless of dying because a baseball hits your head, or the excruciating pain if it hits somewhere else - is pretty damn tough.

I feel like hitting a Djoko serve with a 15" racket has a better chance.

I’ve played both sports at a jr. high level for what that’s worth.

I played tennis into my 30s. I had a maybe B level first serve at one point. I’d play C level guys and they’d be like wtf. Everything else was lower. Somehow my forehand got worse over time while my backhand got better. Ball movement was always really good. Second serve I never worked on and it sucked.

I once hit 4 aces in a row against my friend who was much better than me. I did a drop serve on the last one just to fuck with him and I swear it just crawled over the net.

I’ll always remember the best serve I ever made because these jackass dudes we were playing doubles against called it out. It was in. But it was so fast and so spinny I don’t think the dude saw it at all. Still pissed.

I feel like we are in agreement. Odds I hit a Djoko serve>odds deGrom pitch. But man every single Djoko serve I luck into hitting he promptly kills me on next hit. But I can I see a one a million/billion scenario where I luck into a single against deGrom

I work with a guy who’s one of the boat people who escaped to America as a child during the Vietnam war. Just the nicest guy you could ever imagine, he has a big house with kids going off to college. We Americans are all a nation of refugees from shithole countries, we forget that so often. We’re all refugees from shithole countries, that’s the whole fucking point of America.


If you luck into returning five, maybe he mis-hits one?

Have you ever tried to hit a hard pitch with movement? It’s ridiculous. I’d bet I could easily swing 100 times and never make contact.