LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.


We have those here in the US. It’s usually called something like “Continuing Education” or “Adult Enrichment Classes,” and they’re generally held in the off-hours at a public school.

Costs are usually <$25/hour.

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I took a class at UCLA Extension called “Shut Up and Write” which got me off of my 6-month writer’s block. I hired the teacher as a writing coach.


I learned to tie knots. A few anyway. Used this handy knowledge to tie two hummingbird feeders and a couple windchimes in a tree for a friend. 100 mph wind gusts knocked down trees in her yard last week, but not the feeder/chimes tree. And the knots held, so that was good.

Oh, and I can tie my shoelaces properly now, so they don’t come undone very often anymore. It’s possible this has saved my life or at least my ass a couple times.

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That’s cool. Matthew Crawford has a cool book called The World Beyond Your Head. A point he makes along the way that has stuck with me is that it is really satisfying to look out into the world and see your impact. This is possible with digital hobbies, but much more rare. You tied that knot, the storm came, and your knot saved that feeder. You can look out in the world and literally see the impact that you’ve had. Nice one.

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Thanks for the comment. As I read the reviews of Crawford’s books, I was reminded of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which is sitting on a shelf across from me. And also that I’ve never managed to finish it, ha.

Same here - read about 1/3. I think I got the gist.

Also I learned what a chautauqua is - which helped us win our regional Scholar’s Bowl in HS.

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Having to come up with a hobby seems super weird to me. I could fill 10 lives with all the things I want to do, and at least a couple years with all the things I should do but am procrastinating.


Best to waste most of it posting here. That’s what I do.


The chores overshadow everything else and this is my procrastinating place.

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It’s a very significant book in my life. I had to read it for a HS English class. I also own the sequel.

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No, I agree. I’ve never understand anyone being bored. My point is that I could fill 10 lives but only get 1.

In that case I’d say do whatever makes you happiest and don’t worry whether it serves any other purpose.

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But that’s the rub. What makes me happiest? Some old geezer once said that the more directly you pursue happiness, the more difficult it is to achieve. At least I’ve checked off a dozen or so things that don’t do the trick.

Give yourself permission to not think about any of that and do whatever you feel like? Those questions don’t have answers anyway.


I am obviously not a person overly troubled by existential concerns.

I like you people, and I think you deserve this:


My thing since I’ve been a kid has always been video games, i still feel a little weird about it even though its completely normal for my generation. Probably because neither of my brother in laws do, nor my brother, nor like 95% of the people i work with. I think literally one in my office does, he’s my age so it makes sense and most of the office is older. still feels weird.

my biggest thing with hobbies is probably closer to zikzak man, probably I’m going to talk to my therapist about it but its been bothering me lately. Basically I want to watch all the movies, read all the books i want to read, play all the video games i want to play, i started hiking. Theres no time for all that shit with a family and I have a big feel of missing out a lot of time and at the same time guilt for indulging them.

also I played a fair bit of magic arena the last couple years but quit because i felt like i didnt enjoy playing all that much, or i just hate losing i dunno.

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A point is very much possible. Even horrible players could get one just due to an error on Serena’s part.

shit i meant to add that for the last 6 years or so i’ve played a ton of league of legend with various other games scattered in, the main reason i probably play that as much as its a game that me and my oldest friend both like and so we keep up mostly from playing that.