LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.


That it’s fake?

If it was that effective, I figure that everybody would do that.

I didn’t think this warranted its own thread, but it might be not-low-enough content for this one.

The current controversy in our school district is this:

(picture is from reddit, so seems like it’s in the public domain)

Some group of parents/residents are irate that these school employees (I think a principal, teacher, and other administrator) are wearing these shirts because they are obviously political.

We have a sign in our yard that’s similar to these shirts, so I’m obviously in favor of the message. But I have mixed feelings about them wearing the shirts. It makes me feel better about these individuals, but I know that if I saw a teacher/principal wearing an All Lives Matter or Thin Blue Line t-shirt, I’d be really upset.

Should the district prohibit these shirts or allow them?

Bonus: if they allow these shirts, do they allow:

  • All Lives Matter
  • Thin Blue Line
  • MAGA

Could be fake I guess. Not bad acting if it is, especially by motorcycle guy.

Thought i read somewhere it was real and they banned it.

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Rick Bayless is quite accomplished. Specializes in regional Mexican cuisine.

Makes a lot more sense knowing they’re all on fixies.

Also, fixies are really stupid.

GOAT cuisine

Given that there’s only so much time in a life, how do you choose which hobbies to pursue? Do you try to spend time on hobbies that make you better somehow, like a sport for health or chess or something for your brain? Do you go full hedonism and just do what’s most fun/pleasurable, like video games or tv?

I have had a real hobbies crisis for going on 5 years now. I used to play A TON of online Magic:The Gathering (lol, I know), but decided to give it up because it didn’t seem healthy. I’ve been trying to find a new hobby ever since, hopefully something involving interacting with real-live humans rather than a computer. So many hobbies that pull me in are solitary, like chess, reading, guitar, drugs, writing, etc.

What do?

I thought that’s why we’re all here?

Don’t tell me you’re looking to escape.

ETA just noticed you want real-life interactions with actual flesh and blood humans, you crazy risk-taker.

I tend to have one intense hobby at a time. I’m not good at context switching.

Also for me there seems to need to be a hope of making money or even a living at it - standup comedy, poker (started out as a hobby), landscape photography, and now writing.

I guess hiking and exploring is a hobby - but I see that as more like exercise and just getting out of the house.

Given COVID I guess interacting online is the best I can hope for. The problem with Magic was that I played for thousands of hours across 10 years and never talked to a single person about it, lol. So it can be online, but there needs to be a community. (I guess that’s the point of UP…).

That’s a good point about the possibility of money. A great hobby should offer the illusion of making money :D

Poker made me look for that in all things.

A book club? Online for now but monthly meet-ups in future?

Some people I’ve known went to cookery classes and met an interesting bunch there.

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I find that whole issue a little baffling. Seemingly one in 8 guys claim they could win a point against her? Assuming a three-set match, it really doesn’t seem like that big a deal. Winning the match or a set or even a game, OK, sure. Definitely not one guy in 8. But winning a point in tennis is just not that big a deal, even disregarding double faults.

Did anyone ever do the same survey but with Djokovic? Be hilarious if one in 8 guys just thought they could win a point against anyone.

I don’t know it it has too for everyone.

Just gotta estimate the chances he hits a judge again.

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If the sole aim is to win a single point (no parrying it back) isn’t going for a big winner every time almost bound to work over three sets?

You’d imagine so, but I think just bare statistics would get 1 in 8 guys a net-ball from Williams (or Djokovic for that matter). People talk about it like it’s saying you could win a round against Floyd Mayweather or whoever, but it’s far more like potting a red in snooker imo. You can kind of do that against anyone.

There’s always hope for a double fault or mis-hit.

Also if your only goal is to win a point - just either hit it as hard as you can every time or go for ridiculous drop shots and pray one lands in and somehow causes a mis-hit. You don’t care if 90% of your shots fail. That will just annoy the pro and maybe up your chances when one does land in.

Well wait, you’re probably never going to return a serve. So you really need a combination of great serve that they can’t just destroy you on the return, then you hit a really good shot, then they mis-hit. Might be pretty rare.

Maybe your best chance to score a point is to just swing wildly on every serve from the pro and pray for one miracle return which causes a mis-hit. But they can probably just ace you at will. But if they try to ace you too hard - that might lead to some second serves you can actually get your racket on.