LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I think I lettered 1 year. Skipped soph, jr years. Coach was an absolute dick. We were definitely the country club high school. lol

90% of teaching pros were dicks back then

I had a high school friend who went on to pitch in college. I couldn’t even catch his curveball, much less hit it.

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Amazing how things change that fast when you are young. I was a batting all star before curves happened. I blame my step mom on ruining my baseball career. She said as much. (I know I never would have gone pro but she was on some arts and crafts shit at the time and purposefully planned our vacations around baseball season).

Back to tennis though, some of my best high school memories are several of us shorting the arena lights on so we could just hit balls all night. So fun. No expectations.


Haha we used to break into the high school gym to shoot hoops. Even managed to get into the pool sometimes. Man, there was not much else to do way back then.
I wonder what would have happened we got caught? Probably not much. My parents knew where I was. Privilege.

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ugh hockey game over. fucking stars

I was a terrible tennis player. In college I took a class for fun that was taught by a local pro. She was a sweet lady and I liked her. By total luck, when she looked my way I sometimes happened to make a spectacular shot or play. She got the mistaken impression I was one of the better players in the class but just dgaf.

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The cool thing about the tennis courts lights on is we seemed privileged for having them on even though we broke in plus playing tennis. Led to some cool afterparty situations with girls.

OK. I feel I need to mention that how bad our team was they had a college golf player who had never played tennis as our coach. He had never played tennis ffs. He wasn’t that great at golf either. Played for the gophers in the late 80s. Not hard then.



Man, 2020 has been the most Blade Runner year ever.

Holy shit

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And for the record, nothing like this happened. ever.

I was well on my way to being a pretty mediocre HS baseball player when something happened where I choked and couldn’t throw anymore. I could throw ok if I were throwing as hard and far as I possibly could, but anything with any touch could literally end up being thrown into the ground 10 feet in front of me. And I had been (I thought anyway) a pretty decent 2nd baseman up until then. I had been making the top level teams up until that point. It took me years to be confident enough to play catch with a small ball (I could still play catch with a football - I was fine at tennis or basketball - I just got a mental thing about thowing a baseball).

The Yips!
Happened to major league players. Steve Saks. Rick Ankiel.

I couldn’t play tennis at all but took a combination rackets class in which I got crushed in tennis but was close to the best in badminton and racquetball. Shrug, I know it doesn’t make sense.

One of the hottest girls in a 5k person school drafted me to be her partner, and she was really good too so despite my not being able to talk to her we just destroyed everyone on the daily-- most of the girls were pretty bad, it was just unfair.

I used to play singles against this other pretty good player before class to make sure I smelled really badly before not taking a shower due to pathological prepubescent-when-everyone-else-was-pubescent shyness. One day, we were matched up in doubles with my partner just bossing the court and his partner barely able to swing the racket. He was playing valiantly and saving point after point playing 1v2, which is kind of doable, but one ball went to his partner and she whiffed.

I hope that it was a Djokovic-type “accident” that his thrown racket hit his partner flush in the face. Didn’t break anything and no blood, but it must have hurt like hell. He got suspended from school for two weeks. I didn’t care because it counted as a win for us.

My former partner had four kids with three guys before she was 25 so it’s yet another opportunity I missed, surely.


No, that makes total sense to me. I have been, at times, an ok racquetball player. In grad school I played in a national tournament that Jack Huczek (eventually a pretty good pro) was in. I watched the final of his division. His opponent was very good, made very few mistakes, and still got his ass handed to him like 15-1, 15-1. The difference between even a very good college athlete and a pro is huge.

so despite my not being able to talk to her

Ha, been there.

I hope that it was a Djokovic-type “accident” that his thrown racket hit his partner flush in the face. Didn’t break anything and no blood, but it must have hurt like hell.

I hated playing racquetball against guys who would get out of control and slam their racquets against the wall or wildly overswing. They were typically super competitive but still awful. One guy nearly broke my nose with a racquet to the face. That’s one of the very few games I remember any of because I was pissed off, kept playing, and won.

My former partner had four kids with three guys before she was 25 so it’s yet another opportunity I missed, surely.

Hmm. Maybe she’s available now?

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where do you start with the ridiculousness here. Old man POTUS gonna have another old man SOS? bernie really isn’t suited for that position nor would I think he’d take it anyway or the part that only people dumb enough to believe Q anon would remotely think that’s possible in the first place?

or the part where trump said he’d meet with maduro because well dictator gonna dictator

Fuck, I wish Dems were as hardcore as Republicans imagine they are. Bernie as Biden’s SoS? I would nut out so hard if that ever happened.

You don’t even pretend he’s speaking in good faith. You say: Piss off, you spineless fuck. Trump could rape your teen daughter and you would praise his performance.
That’ll probably get reported, but the first draft was much worse.

Why? Bernie would have far more impact in a position that deals with domestic policy. Making him SoS would sideline him on that.

Even then I am not sure Bernie can have far more influence staying in the Senate than be relatively sidelined as Secretary for HUD.

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