LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Might be ponied here, but can we all agree this is a bit too far:

full story:Professor suspended for saying Chinese word that sounds like an English slur


Didn’t watch but hope it’s the one where he asks anyone in advertising or marketing to raise their hands, then tells them they’re the lowest form of scum. When they laugh thinking it’s a gag, he repeats it and tells them he’s not joking.


No it’s not that one.

Just read the article. It’s a completely different case.

Edit: Maybe it was the same, I’m obviously talking about a different part.


Edit: Maybe I’m wrong here, I’m not aware of that part.

The video of the offense wasn’t in my link, but I linked it below from elsewhere. Only 20 seconds of video.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1301562394896982017|twgr^share_3&

What? It’s exactly that one. He spends most of the bit telling marketing people to kill themselves for the good of humanity.

Why are we arguing about this? Just click play.


You must have missed my edit. I only saw the 20s clip, it doesn’t have the part you’re talking about. But this dude may have said that stuff also.

jalfrezi and suzzer are talking about the Bill Hicks video suzzer posted a few posts above your professor story post. Sometimes the lack of quotes can make this forum software confusing as hell.


Probably because we know enough about context to understand that “All Lives Matter” isn’t actually promoting equality.

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Yes. Similarly, the people at the football game are booing something that, based on context, they believe is associated with “equality.”

Thanks for clearing that up. I was super confused.

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I think you’re falling into the trap of not giving these guys enough credit. They understand perfectly well that “All Lives Matter” is a disingenuous troll.

So was I

He didn’t have to say niga niga niga niga over and over. I did get the impression from that clip he was having a little fun with it. But I could be wrong.

It would be interesting to see if that was the only mark on his record. If so then I think you give him the benefit of the doubt.

Just sitting and turned it over to watch “Who wants to be a millionaire” & I never watch this show, but I’ve tuned in the last 2 nights and tonight the million was won. :grin:

The million pound question was…

“Were was the Pirate Blackbeard killed”

But forget the other 3 options :grin:

That really weirded me out when I was in China. People would say that in lieu of ummm or uhhhh. I had to get adjusted to that.

Of course being in China meant that that was a small adjustment among a host of enormous ones.

My filler instead of umm is fuckin’. It sucks. Somehow I can completely turn it off around relatives.


Had a coworker on a construction crew that would do the same except it was ‘fuckin-uh’. Annoying but it wasn’t exactly a polite society we were in.

A Taiwanese friend in grad school told me he nearly got his ass kicked before he figured out what the issue was.