LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Yeah around my friends I don’t realize how bad it is but in the last few years at bars and in other social situations I’ve seen females show they pretty obviously think I’m a sailor because of it. Tattoos and hipster beards and shit are cool though still here. Just don’t swear alot.

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That would’ve been fine. This was more like “The fuckin-uh boss says we need to load the fuckin-uh fuckin-uh fuckin-uh trailer with fuckin-uh sand and take it to the next fuckin-uh job site.”

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The worst part is usually I know what I’m going to say but start getting talking too fast and then use fuckin’ for really no reason. I don’t really play blackjack but if a friend is playing I’ll hop on sometimes. I’ve been kicked off many blackjack tables for dropping fuckin’ too many times.

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Reported by my wife…Someone on Facebook is saying antifa is starting the wildfires.

That’s the big completely unsubstantiated conspiracy.

I’ve seen something like that too. The version I saw was an elaborate tale where, because Trump has cut off funds to the liberal bastions of Washington, Oregon, and California (because of sanctuary cities), these states have run out of money, so state and local officials are colluding with antifa to set fires in order to get disaster funds from other states.

“Why are these forest fires only happening in blue states. Really makes you think, huh?”

They’ve figured out our plan. I’m going to have to set fires in Montana and Idaho to balance our forest fire range and confuse them.

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We really do need to secede.

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If terrorists really wanted to damage us - setting fire to the West every fall would seem to be trivially easy.

The west coast is not on fire because of some sparks. It’s on fire because it was a hundred and twenty degrees.

The comment on Facebook reported to me was a double whammy. It wasn’t just about antifa. It was, there is no global warming.

I’ll defer to anyone who actually speaks Chinese, but my understanding is saying it in rapid succession like that is how it is actually used in real life.

Ok then I was wrong.

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Right. But you could also do a ton of damage deliberately setting fires, especially with all the dead trees.

Which btw, is what we really need a solution for. So many forests in CA right now have a bunch of dead trees waiting to explode (which they literally do in forest fires) and turn into a catastrophe. Every single stand of 75% dead trees is basically a guaranteed disaster waiting to happen. At present rates it will take decades to remove most of them. We need the army corps of engineers or something.

It can be.

Many university teachers from overseas often have horrible English. They really got their job because there aren’t enough native English speakers in America who want to be professors in math, science and tech-related fields.

No doubt I can see a native Chinese speaker saying that word repeatedly while trying to search for the right word to say. This is because I’ve taught students in China who do exactly this.

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When I was browsing Unstuck the other day my gf asked what my most-liked post was, so I dug it out. I can’t be bothered digging it out again but it was a post about how a large number of Americans are dedicated to living in a fantasy world and avoiding having to think about uncomfortable things and that this is pretty much what the Trumpian political project consists of. It was in the context of that guy nearly in tears about not being able to go to Lowes. As usual, David Roth has just said it better. This is about Skip Bayless’s dumbass comments on Prescott’s depression, but it applies just the same to Trump.

In his principled dedication to not-knowing and not-understanding things, and in his reliance on childish just-so explanations, and in his refusal to countenance any kind of ambiguity or comprehend that the lives of other people are meaningful and real, Bayless is both doing his stupid awful job and performing a familiar sort of American cowardice. In the face of the chaos and carnage of life, he is asking to know less, or for an answer that will affirm him, or just to be left alone.

There is a lot of this in sports right now, where even most minimal, neutered social justice messaging has sent cynical or unbalanced commentators off on clammy skeins about how Woke Sports Have Canceled Joy and inspired fans to similar flights of reactive fancy. It’s axiomatic that this kind of response reads as wildly and desperately disproportionate relative to the original offense; a person who believes their well-being depends upon avoiding things they’d rather not know would, when confronted with the fact of those things, believe that he was fighting for his life. There is, in this line of reactionary response, a certain grim liberation, a sense that people who thought they cared about something realizing that what they actually cared about was protecting themselves from things that make them uncomfortable. It all recedes from there; to keep the certainty, eventually a person will have to deny everything else.

Bolded is precisely what I was getting at. That’s why the guy was in tears about not being able to go shopping. Roth’s whole piece is here:

Edit: and obviously that’s why Trump is the God King. A guy who transparently doesn’t think he has to care about anyone but himself, and who doesn’t think it’s his responsibility to know anything. That’s what his followers desperately want, that’s what they mean when they talk about “Freedom”. The irony is that Trump is completely miserable and so are they.


I knew Skip Bayless was a douchebag from the moment I saw him. It’s how he makes his living. Even my joke account of him on 2p2 wasn’t absurd enough to capture his stupidity and ignorance properly.

Your pony is medium-rare.

Skip Bayless didn’t look as bad when he was next to Stephen A. Smith. I wouldn’t say he looked good, but he also didn’t seem like he was the worst.