LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Seems like a combination of new and previously planned.

Yea did anyone live-blog the hearing? (Mad respect if so.) My assumption has been that this is yet another example of “this thing has kinda been done in the past therefore the Republicans are justified in abusing it in new, creative ways” but I’d like to know what the actual verdict is.

Man the Falwell family is all sorts of fucked up. This below story of Jr’s grandpa is insane.

TW: there is cruelty to an animal and human in the story

My local news station!

Guys I’m starting to think Ben Shapiro is in fact very stupid

I mean he’s not smart, but he’s just slinging “Liberal media unfair to religious conservatives” which is exactly the slop his devotees crave. He may or may not believe it, but I don’t see it as egregiously dumb graded on the curve of “bullshit for right-wingers”.

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Traditional moral standards like what? He is the only idiot who hasn’t taken the one obviously good thing from the intellectual dark web; atheism.

He still believes in some divine morality.


Gee, who could’ve seen that coming from Falwell? I’m almost 100% sure he’s going to blanket blame this whole thing on booze. The consistency of the hypocrisy always bubbling below the surface with these Christian grifters is something on which you can always count.

EDIT: Fucking shitbags

I’m not going to lay out the detailed argument, but information I’ve seen here and there suggests to me that the Trump administration (and Reagan, and GW Bush) can be explained in no small part as due to lead and air pollution.

I generally agree with the no kink shame movement but involving a 20 year old is mega fucked up and not ok.

Guys having a thing for younger women is the literal opposite of a kink. :grin:

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He’s 58.

Also, lol.

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I know nothing about them but if there is no power dynamic there is nothing wrong with age differences. It’s based on sexist ideas that young women are too stupid to make decisions. Nobody has an issue when the genders are reversed.


Uh, people absolutely do have a problem with a ~50 year old woman dating 18 year old men. It’s just a much more rare occurrence.

“If there is no power dynamic”

Get the fuck outta here

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What’s the power dynamic? As I said I don’t them at all. If she works for him or goes to his school then yes it’s wrong.

If it’s just age then you are just basing your opinion on 18th century views of female sexuality.

It’s Jerry Falwell Jr. There’s clearly a power dynamic involved

What about a 17 year old male meeting a 47 year old woman online?