LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

In the old forum, there was a discussion about teachers having sex with students. The general consensus was:

  1. Student is a girl—“That’s gross and probably traumatizing.”

  2. Student is a boy—“That’s awesome, Dude!”


My second hand RNC story… and is this story’s kink shaming angle cool now-a-days ???/?

When the RNC was in San Diego back in 1996, my friend “Franny” got talked into volunteering. Because she grew up in a Farwell Ministry household, she got assigned to do transportation… basically she served as a free taxi service for certain Christian evangelical VIPs. She met (and hooked up with) an attendee she was driving around.

After the convention, she took a trip to Florida visit her new friend. It turned out that he lived in a flat-out mansion, and he was at the convention because his mega-rich, mega-religious parents were mega-elephant donors, as well as movers-and-shakers among the Florida evangelists.

He took her aside sheepishly. It seems that his parents were also secret kinky swingers, and had not one, but multiple rooms in their mansion decorated as what she described as “wild sex rooms”. He assured her he wasn’t into his parent’s hobby.

Later, IIRC in 1998, the parents were outed by a rival faction of the Florida political evangelists.

ETA: the parents were prominent enough that this made the national news… but damn if I can google up any reference today. Again, IIRC, there was no illegality alleged, but they resigned from public life, and lost what power they had. They had hosted several A-list elephant fund raisers in the mansion, but had always kept the doors to the sex rooms locked during those events.

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You don’t think there is an inherent power dynamic imbalance between a teenager and someone in their mid 50s? You’re being obtuse here dude.

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She is 20 I thought. Not a teenager.

What if she was 25? What is the magic number where it’s not some inherent power balance?

I’m sorry but this is just sexism.

The campsite rules applies obviously, but there is nothing inherently wrong with older people dating younger adults.

I’m sure this relationship started when they were 20 and there was nothing beforehand!

There obviously is no magic number, but pretending there isn’t a power dynamic imbalance when someone not old enough to buy a beer is dating someone who would, on average, be older than their parents is obtuse.


You don’t know what a 20 year old is.

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No idea what this means.

You die on more hills than Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow.


That’s good. Props if it’s original.

Perhaps you need more Go Go Ray in your drumming life. Elite drummer who can really sync w the band. Worth the whole watch

Ok, you’re not crazy, other than this,

I had to go back to 2016-2017:

That’s my “favorite” because it’s still so shocking to me decades later. In comparison, I was at this rally,

Heavy police deployments greatly reduced the chances of severe violence, though several scuffles broke out in Wheaton among Klansmen, their supporters and a group of about 100 demonstrators from the Progressive Labor Party, a communist organization from Chicago.

but, “Went to protest the KKK, ended up punching a nazi type,” doesn’t have the same shock value from a storytelling perspective.


Are you guys talking about the 20 year old that was employed by the mid 50s multimillionaire who also “bought” some university property from said multimillionaire? Or was there another 20 year old that they included in their sex life?

Can we not just revel in how unbelievably cliche this whole thing is? Evangelist preacher secretly has a kinky marriage and likes to stroke himself while his wife fucks the pool boy? That’s just lazy writing, bro. I mean, the pool boy. Who even has a pool boy? I don’t even know what a pool boy does other than show up in porn videos to fuck the horny housewife. I guess his job is to check the pH of the water or some shit?

Fallwell Jr. gets caught being super kinky is the dumbest, most predictable story line ever. Next, you’ll tell me that Joel Osteen has skeletons in his closet, fuck, I had no idea.


If your wife is fucking the gardener or her tennis coach, there is at least a layer of plausible deniability there. I know why in theory you might hire a gardener or a tennis coach, I know what gardeners and tennis coaches are supposed to do. I got nothing when it comes to a pool boy; I don’t know what he actually does. I guess you look at your pool and say “Dang, I need a pool boy to manage this pool I have, it’s so unkept.”

Pool boys carry buckets and mops.


The suit says that while Falwell Jr. and his wife were guests at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach in 2012, they developed a “friendly relationship” with the pool attendant, Giancarlo Granda; flew Granda in a private jet; and eventually backed him in a business venture, setting up a hostel that offers low-cost dorm-style nightly accommodations to visitors.

I mean really though I just assume every “pool attendant” at the fountainbleu hotel in miami will fuck your wife for $100 and some cocaine

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Can’t tell what level trolling this is, but probably a few levels higher than I can process.

Who doesn’t know what a pool boy does? Outdoor pools require a non-trivial amount of regular cleaning and maintenance. I’m not sure people generally call them pool boys, but many people with outdoor pools have someone come by and deal with that shit.

I had a little landscaping business in my neighborhood when I was 22. Some guy hired me to maintain his pool twice a week. His insanely hot wife was often out sunbathing in a very skimpy bikini with tons of side boob. She would talk to me too and get a bit flirty. True story. One problem though is I could never really tell if he was home or not.

Another woman, Karen McCarthy, who was a state senator, hired me to work around her place. She would get super flirty with me and talk about my bulging sweaty muscles and stuff. She was about 55 but in pretty good shape. I thought about it.