LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Disturbing amount of replies citing vids of people being hurt, even showing up on my TL.


I mean, yeah, I am pro-violence philosophically and politically but there’s never anything fucking funny about it. Like, even people citing various nazis getting punched, I’m like, bitch, I’ve actually punched nazis before and if you think there’s even a scintilla of humor in any part of the spiderweb of causality leading up to such an event, you and I are very different people.




Some UP husband is having the opposite problem that Shapiro is having.

‘I Wanted to Argue With Him’: UP Woman Seeks Divorce for Being ‘Too Loved’ by Husband

Yeah some of those videos are extremely bothersome. Also saw her tweet of the granny spinning and yeah I’m not laughing at that

Like the guys-in-boat vid, did you see this:

They’re disappointed he didn’t… Get physically and psychologically traumatized from almost drowning? Die?

Lol why did they think we found it funny?

Ahh didn’t see that. I was thinking it might’ve been staged because of how calm the camera man is but wasn’t sure and that guys fear seemed legit, I should’ve guessed it was a set up on the guy in front to scare him sigh.

Always good to think about the media consumed and why people have certain reactions to it.

Hadn’t seen that spinning granny video before. ‘Injured 74-year-old’ is really not the most promising comedic scenario off the bat, I must say. I smiled a little bit at first, while the spinning was slow enough to imagine it was just annoying. The 150rpm spin-cycle bit, no, that’s just disquieting.

I hate people getting hurt videos. Never seen one that is even a little funny. Make me literally winch every time.


Eh, depends. Sometimes it’s fulfilling to watch a huge piece of shit getting hit.

But otherwise my days of watching videos on ogrish. com ended when I left high school. I don’t need to see cops shooting people or anything like that. I know what’s up.

What? People must not read my shit. I’ve told a few of these stories more than once.

A person doesn’t get hurt in this video, exactly, but it’s still my #1 YouTube video of all time.


Liam Neeson wanting to do comedy still slays me. It’s not just some rando, but it also isn’t anyone getting hurt.


If it’s stupid/asshole people doing stupid/asshole things and paying a modest price for it, yes I’m going to laugh.

Like this one. I find it funny. Am I a bad person for laughing at it?

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Willing to die on the hill that people getting injured can be hilarious.
Seriously hurt? That’s different.

Yeah. That video was terrible.

How in the world was he being an asshole?

He was being stupid? Because he slid down something that could end up with getting hurt? How about a video of people getting hurt skiing? Funny?

Did you never slide down the handrails?

Not judging. Just saying how I react so I am not watching this one.

What the

Why is Jerry Falwell Jr., a 58 year old man, doing pelvic thrusts exercises with teenage girls?

Because he wants to bone them? I don’t see how this is confusing.