LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Looks bad.

I know how you feel. I am terrible with stuff like that. I can’t even watch medical shows. It ruins me. My best friend is a fire fighter and I always say I could never do what he does. I can’t help but feel their pain.

Going through Montana once we came across a biker who had wiped out. He was sitting on the side of the road and literally all you could see was bloody road rash on his visible body. He had to have been in shock and I don’t know how he was still alive tbh. I thought about it all the way home and wanted to call the Montana Highway Patrol and check but never did. He was in my head for a few days.

Milano started this thread

And included this lmaoooooooo. I mean come on

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Anyone know Ashville, NC well? Thinking about renting a spot and road tripping there in October.

Would Trump lose or gain votes if he came out and used force lightning on a BLM protest?

Went for a looong walk with the doggo in the rain. Feeling much better now. What a weird experience though.


Glad to hear.

Both these storms are heading straight to New Orleans. 2020 baby.

I have a brother there. I’m not sure why you’d go now when they just extended Phase 2. Everything that makes the city worth visiting is either closed or has severe restrictions. I can’t imagine it will get much better by October.

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My wife and I got drunk and thought it would be reasonable to plan a trip there last night. Now sober Tilted is aware that is a stupid and irresponsible idea.

Confirmed in the Senate by 20 brave, noble Democrats (17 opposing) and 36 sniveling, cowardly Republicans (8 opposing). Its ratification challenged at the Supreme Court by Charles Fairchild, a Democrat, presumably deliberately half-assing it so a Republican couldn’t do it properly, denied cert by the Court under Chief Justice Taft (a Republican). Maybe this persistent-identity theory of political parties is flawed or something? And, as ever, nobody should listen to actors about anything.


She’s going to win by what, 20 points?

She got 78% of the votes in 2018, the guy she primaried got at least 74% in every election from 2012-2016 so unless her district changed a ton in the last 2 years it’s a landslide lock.

Some of the replies to the funniest video tweet are hilarious

This one is a classic, the dj is awesome

This ones good too


Marco is now a hurricane, with ~20% chance of still being one when it hits New Orleans tomorrow morning. gl Noz and other New Orleans peeps.

Laura is tracking further west, probably making landfall near Port Arthur, also with 20% chance of still being a hurricane.

Yeah I’m not sweating any damage too much, still going to go to my in laws’ place since they have a whole home generator.