LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Looks to me like the ask was either a joke by the tweeter so he didn’t dox his sister (the host) or a grift by the tweeter, who again is not the host.

It’s really hard to pick the worst part about this tweet.

Was just driving home and one the other side of the road saw a pretty serious car wreck with a badly mangled body hanging half out of the windscreen. It had clearly just happened minutes before. Now I’m home and trying to act normally and kind of distract myself but I feel really weird and can’t seem to stop crying. What should I do?


Wait seriously?

Been there, its difficult to get out right away, I’d keep buzy atm, maybe do some tasks and try not to think about it.


I don’t know, but it’s worth reminding yourself that it’s a good thing to be upset over seeing something horrible like this. It took me a while to assimilate a horrendous accident I saw in west Africa once, with two dead Jeep cops and a bus load of dead passengers.

Holy fuck, what smacc said. Also, tell somebody; anyone to talk to?

Besides us I mean. In-person or telephone.


Yeah my partner is here but it feels like a weird thing to get upset about. Like millions of people die every day, it’s not like I knew them.

Come on - you saw another person a few moments after their unexpected death. It would be unnatural not to be affected.

I’d be the same way. I was a wreck for like an hour after running over a raccoon the other day

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Right, it just means your empathetic, and actually seeing a dead body in that state is a way more visceral experience.


I cried at the end of It’s A Wonderful Life but not when my dog died. Emotions are weird.

There’s no really wrong way to respond to what you saw.


It’s a human instinct to tell someone what you saw, it should help to bring out some more emotions & will help the grieving process.


Maybe see if there are any kids’ birthday parties you can crash.


It’s a totally normal thing to be upset about, and you’re totally justified in how you’re feeling. Your partner will absolutely understand that too. I hope you’re able to find some peace tonight.


On brand

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Wow that is awful.

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