LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Shit right. I should know that too as my sister in law is from romona. She took me to this awesome tiny Mexican joint I can’t remember the name of.

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Update: Lori Loughlin sentenced to two months.

Wow that’s amazing she got time. So good. Rich privilege being actually punished for once!

heh, we have a couple of those. Oddly enough, we DON’T have that staple of small towns everywhere: a grotty chinese buffet/takeout place.

She got two months for wasting everyone’s time. Felicity Huffman took a deal for two weeks.

And Lori’s husband got five months!

Much of inland california is probably worse than any red state, or at least on par with it. Calabama i have never heard but it is funny. It really is pretty bad out there.

Do you live there by choice? i can’t imagine anything that could get me to move to those areas. They’re the absolute worst, trumpland notwithstanding. The climate sucks, the economy sucks, the crime sucks, etc.

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we needed a house with a 3-car garage and a fenced in yard for our dogs. We found a 2200 sq ft house with those things for $315k at the bottom of the market. It was basically impossible to turn down, and it’s still only a 30 min commute to Poway where my husband works.

We also bought before the country went to Trump shit, so it really wasn’t like this when we moved out here.(Or it was,but people kept it hidden)


That was weird. I just learned today that apparently he was the one (of the two of them) mainly dealt with the fixer and actually did most of the illegal stuff.

I don’t remember it being reported that way initially, but I could be wrong.

I wonder if he’s just copping to more guilt so Lori serves less time.

Only in California would $150/sf in BFE be considered a bargain.

pretty much, yeah. I actually like the neighborhood…It’s hard to describe it, but it’s a “planned” community but the houses are all unique. If there’s any analogue anywhere, it’s probably The Villages, lol, but San Diego Country Estates isn’t nearly that big. It was made famous in the 70s as the place where Bobby Riggs trained for the Battle of the Sexes.


RIP New Orleans

Should be fine. FEMA has money set aside for exactly this sort of emergency.


Nah, should be weak storms. Both keep tracking further west but 5+ days out is a crapshoot.

Not much lower you can go in life than literally starving yourself to save mcsally.


He’s just self owning on purpose now? Or really that stupid? (I don’t really know anything about this guy except all the recent stuff about his wife’s twat being drier than a snakes ass on a hot day.)

Onion. Right? Onion?


I just assumed that was a fake. Now I’m confused.

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