LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

lol I remember this story. The guy she’s talking to in the tweet actually helped her get her scholarship back

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Have someone who’s had a job explain to you how the real world works.

I’m not clicking on a video about someone getting into a mess that has a picture of someone holding a grinder like that.


My thought exactly. I am no handyman but I’ve screwed around with tools enough to shudder at that image.

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Fuck this video that keeps autoplaying when I open this thread. Now, I just want that bear to die.

Fuck, me too now after I looked. Second video this week that just plays for me when opening thread here.

Your lucky he not alive to hear that…

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Flagging problematic posts like autoplaying videos is more effective than making random comments and hoping the right person sees them.

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Cancel culture run amok IMO:

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Oh come on, OKBOOMER is a fantastic vanity plate, and I hate vanity plates.


Maybe it’s my WHITE PRIVILEGE but I gotta say, with all the suffering going on in this world and the country teetering on fascism, few things bring me to sheer boiling white-hot anger faster than seeing the pop up message that a gif I am attempting to poast is too large.


This is what happens with socialism. The US is on the right track with fascism, IMO.

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My mom used to scold me around swearing because I’d get too used to it, then accidentally do it at a job and get in trouble. But literally everyone I’ve worked with in every job I’ve had constantly says way worse stuff than “suck my dick and balls.” We can pretend the nerds at nasa are super professional and everything, but we all know that’s not true.

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Apropos of nothing, it is really refreshing to leave Calabama and Kentucky to come home to my parents house where there are two Biden signs and a black lives matter sign on their street alone.

They live in a college town in Ohio, but it’s still nice to see.


keep meaning to ask but why do you call it calabama?

She has a low opinion of exurban San Diego County.

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Heh, because if you drove around my town, you’d be hard pressed to distinguish it from the rural south, desert notwithstanding. It actually resembles a small Texas town, but Calabama rolls off the tongue better.

It’s full of rednecks, cowboys, big trucks with trump and no step on snek flags, lots of guns, lots of racists, etc.

case in point:

But it is 23 degrees, 365 days a year so you don’t get to complain. :wink:

haha i wish. That’s down in the city. Up in my neck o’ the woods, it’s been up around 43 degrees for the past week.