LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

For most reg’s who haven’t hit TL3, it’s almost always a result of not having viewed enough topics. If you don’t forum broadly you won’t reach the limits.

That said, I think almost any reasonably well known poster can get bumped manually if they want. Then they too can experience the disappointment of the secret Lounge category that nobody ever posts in.


Bill Gates is going to get those microchips inside you one way or the other :mosquito:

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I don’t remember but we watched a shit ton of KITH.

I’ve never done anything that dumb and I’m a slacker.


I tend to doubt you’ve done something dumber than screaming “suck my dick and balls I just got a job at [named dream employer]” on a site whose entire purpose is to broadcast your posts to everyone on earth.

Watching a documentary called Wild Congo. TIL I learned gorillas do it missionary style. Seeing a gorilla in the wild someday would be beyond bucket list for me.

Also I don’t like chimps - there I said it. They’re nasty, conniving and brutally mean - like people. They eat monkeys - which is like eating your little cousins. And their butts are gross.

Nobody likes chimps. They’re like all the worst of humanity but they passed the good stuff to bonobos.

Yes bonobos I can hang with.

I watch a ton of zoo shows. I get the feeling from the way they talk about chimps - that if a keeper somehow fell into an enclosure - the chimps would be more certain to kill them than any other animal. Like a tiger, crocodile, lions, gorillas - all might leave the keeper alone. But they said the chimps would tear them to pieces. Creepy.

I was just typing out “Nobody likes chimps”.

Though, that’s not really true of course, but bonobos are better.

Now we got a bonobo orgy going on.

It’s not all ripping your face off.


I’m not the biggest reader in the world, but I go on occasional benders. Books on primates might be the biggest category. I’ve read I think everything by Frans De Waal, several books by Jane Goodall and a few others. My wife and kids and I and even my wife and I before the kids used to go to the zoo a lot and watch the primates far more than anything else. I think a chimp at the Oakland zoo would recognize us.

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The only reason people like bonobos is because of all the sex. Nobody would care about them if they were chaste and monogamous.

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They use sex to resolve the kinds of conflict that chimps resolve by biting off fingers and stuff like that.

They’re ruled by females. So they’re much mellower and less menacing. They still eat meat though.

This post might belong in the heroes thread, but she’s been one of mine since I was very young. I’ve even gone to a couple lectures she’s given. I seriously considered studying anthropology because of her.

With all due respect to Greta Thunberg, If there’s any environmental activist who deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, it’s Jane Goodall.


I already put her down as a hero in that thread.

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Why is it dumb?

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Nice big cuddly bear to cheer us all up:

Link to bear video that keeps autoplaying for some damn reason

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