LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

An attraction to all kinds of bodily fluids is common during sexual arousal. The same people can be repulsed by them minutes later, once arousal is over.

I cannot get aroused without getting some aqueous humor.

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TIL the Grateful Dead is jazz.
Seriously though improvisation like that is a feature of other types of music too. This is straight bluegrass or would have been called hillbilly music 100 years ago.

More than the beat and the instrumentation, why it’s not jazz is that the language of the solos isn’t in the jazz tradition at all.

I know this belongs in the meme thread but in honor of the title



The only thing stopping this from happening in America is our guy struggles to pick up a glass of water.


Also it would be nice if we had some more emus up here

I know Shapiro is an ugly dwarf, but for being a conservative grifter I thought he would have a more attractive spouse in on the grift.

The “wet ass p-word” sample is great.

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He knows how to groove and create space. My least favorite drummers are those that just fill everything also. That’s just one song. Great interview.

ETA: I like this podcast a bit better for the interaction quality but some of the Drummer’s Resource interviews are with legends.

Harsh. Don’t follow the band but love the drummer. He ripped it up.

“Whores in this house!”

From gambling addict to bank robber to fantasy sports tout to QAnon influencer:

Russia’s been getting away with these poisonings all over the place, I guess they’ll keep going. They also abuse Interpol red notices. Trump’s shameful claim that “nobody’s tougher on Russia than me” echoes as a joke around the world, where the US used to actually stand up against some of this.

Hey guys, sorry for the self-promo but I have some new writing out on androgyny, evolution, and what a feminist revolution would really look like if you’ve got a minute: The Future is Androgynous | Elizabeth Winterhalter


I think self-promotion should be encouraged here and not something that needs an apology. It’s our forum that exists for our benefit, and also because I’m nosy and I like learning what the rest of you are up to out there in the world.


man when I read shit like this I’m bad I go god damn russians then go why the **** are you drinking open tea on a plane if you know they want to poison you.

but then I realize it’s not simple to stay out of buildings with multiple floors your entire life…

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