LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Nah that shit is terrible, it’s just that anything sounds good post-mumble-rap.

I’ve thought for awhile that these new raps are like people trying to win a secret elaborate bet, which is weird because Lil Yachty already won definitively a few years ago.

i’m just HATIN’ don’t mind me

p.s. wait who is she talking to?


I almost lasted 3 minutes.

But it took them one minute to start playing

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And now she gets to be a Representative until a saner Republican successfully primaries her, yay Georgia!

Representative democracy ftw.


I do have one quick poll question from WAP.

Have you ever participated in spitting in your sex partner’s mouth or having your mouth spit in during sex?

  • I have indeed participated in mouth-spitting during sex
  • I have not participated in mouth-spitting during sex
  • I am Clovis, so duh of course. Also stop spit-shaming

0 voters


You should probably note that results on that poll are anonymous, as it’s not clear at the time you vote.

I think there should be like 15 more poles, pun intended, like this in the sex thread. Maybe Clovis can devise the questions.

This will be a huge fetish going forward after COVID. I’d bet money it spikes on pornhub next year.

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Apparently two people are Clovis.


Aren’t we all a little Clovis?

I’m not a little bit Clovis.

Everyone has a little Clovis in them…wait, that’s Elvis.

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Ah we have people answering yes now. Would love to hear the stories but sadly that seems unlikely.

I’m a little bit Clovis, and a little bit rock n roll.

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Two men were wrestling on the ground. One was the man everyone was looking for: Steven Carrillo. Brown sank his teeth into Carrillo’s arm, and Thom aided the other man — the resident of the home, where Carrillo had tried to take another car — in restraining him. In the struggle, Carrillo dropped a pistol. Only when it hit the ground, Thom says, did he notice what else was already there: an AR-15 and a pipe bomb.

“This is what the roadblock was about,” he recalls thinking. “This is the active shooter.”

“I was putting a little bit of pressure on his arm, and he said, ‘Hey, dude, lay off my arm,’ and I said, ‘[expletive] you,’”

Didn’t vote. My friend managed a bar once and we walked into another bar that had the same owner with an older biker type bartender that liked my friend. She had been drinking and walked up to him and held him like she was going to look down and kiss him and hawked one in his mouth lmao.