LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.


He/she might be the most appropriate


Him/her might be the most appropriate

I’m not 100% sure I’m doing this right, but if you get a ‘he/her’ in there it’s a ‘who’ And if it was a 'him/he’s it’d be a ‘whom’.

I read the same resource and still couldn’t figure it out. :woozy_face:

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So, basically this guy:

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Argh - freaking crappy twitter embed. It’s cool trust me.


Ok found it.


Stop this Missy Elliott erasure!

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You can always just rejig the clause until it uses regular third-person pronouns. If it would be ‘he/she’ then it’s ‘who’, if it would be ‘him/her’ then it’s ‘whom’. Though frankly, ‘whom’ frequently sounds false and stilted and I’ll often use ‘who’ where ‘whom’ is formally correct.

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Ginuwine just wanted to share his love of horse-riding with the women in his life!

Seen on NextDoor: “I pray for America and all of her legal people!”

“I love the police.”

In this case I think it was “I hate Mexicans”.

God, opening the old-timey pneumatic tube prayers get delivered in: Finally, a proper one respecting national boundaries!

I think you can view your sentence as the equivalent of the following:

I am writing to request: who/whom might be the most appropriate contact…
I am writing to request, “who/whom might be the most appropriate contact…”

That makes it more clear that the answer is “who”. It would be “whom” if you wrote “I am writing to request whom it might be most appropriate to contact…”

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Yeah, it’s the same person though.

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lol all you dudes thinking the Shapiro self own is about grammar.

his wife had to make up some shit to assuage his ego about why she doesn’t get wet. He can’t get her wet. That’s the self-own

it’s also possible that his wife got her degree online, but I prefer the self own angle




I hope none of you analyze Cardi like this at the dinner table or you and Mr. Shapiro might have more in common than you would like.


Wait you man WAP isn’t a medical condition that should be looked at right away?

It absolutely should be if Ben Shapiro is in the room.


Respect for the OG