LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

Yeah, I was agreeing - except didn’t want to be like on the wrong side of history regarding sex work. I think she’s authentic/genuine and I like what I’ve seen of her.

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I like this video and she flows. Also says her pussy flows like a lake back then. :man_shrugging:


Here’s something nanodaughter has shown me:


I like to follow random people on twitter from completely different walks of life. This one hits the Cardi B wheelhouse pretty well I think:

I remember once my guitar teacher had managed to teach himself how to play Julia Florida and he was very excited and he wanted to show it off to me. And it was phenomenal; Julia Florida is an amazing song, watching some guy play it in a backstudio closet in Indiana somewhere was a formative experience for me. Just give this a listen: I have no idea what this has to do with Cardi B.

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Weird they removed the full clip of Miley Cyrus on Jimmy Fallon playing musical impressions. But Miley Cyrus doing Bodak Yellow pop style still survived, and stupid Fallon coming in

I want a full cover

That’s why this is the greatest album title ever:

Sometimes I get the feeling that the songs are about fucking just because they feel like that have to write about that and I appreciate songs that are something like, I like cars:

and like everyone thinks the suggestive sounding song about a car is really about fucking but they wanted play on the radio, but maybe some songs are ostensibly about fucking, but they were really written about a car or a set of golf clubs or something.

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Needle in the hay is such a great guitar song.

Obv, she’s a six footer. That vag is probably cavernous.

No but srsly wtf are you people talking about.

I probably shouldn’t read the thread out of order.


Yeah, my favorite Dylan track is probably Song To Woody but I gotta admit it was a little weird finding out it was about an erect penis. Specifically, an erect penis going into Guthrie. Bob was tryna fuck Woody is what I’m saying.

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This whole Cardi B thing reminds of Sextina Aquafina from Bojack Horseman

Same women’s rights angle with absolutely no subtlety and what will likely be a predictable response to Cardi’s song:


Now Willy saved it hard
But he blew it all on rye and cards
He lost his shirt and one leg of his pants
He used to have more class
He had a horse shoe up his ass
He was a master of games of skill and chance
But that night was rough
When ol’ red called his bluff
And willy was only holding pocket eights
You could see ol’ willy frown
When fifth street came 'round
Cause he knew ol’ red had finaly made his straight

This is my favorite tune by them. Love the throat signing or whatever the hell they call it.

I had a dream last night where I had to explain to everyone I talked to (including my mom I think?) about Ben Shapiro’s self own inre: WAP. We can shutter Twitter. Nothing will ever top this.

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A little help for a grammar moron please?

I am writing to request [who / whom] might be the most appropriate contact…

I mean this is obviously his way of mocking the song but he’s come off as a bit autistic to me when I have had the misfortune of listening to him.

Thanks. I was leaning toward who as well, but ultimately I changed the structure of the sentence because I wasn’t confident.

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I’m aware he’s mocking it. But all I hear is a 5 foot tall, squeaky voiced, sexual incompetent admitting that he doesn’t get his doctor wife (did you know she’s a doctor?) wet for the one time a year they copulate.