LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

I can handle Western Swing sometimes.

Always feel a bit weird listening to Spade Cooley tho.

He beat his wife to death in front of their daughter.

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Damn, that’s country.

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Pretty disappointed that this conversation about country music for people who don’t like country music has not yet featured either of the two songs that are both most country and most loved by people who don’t like country music.

Can’t believe that Trolly didn’t post that second one already. Not only is it more country than anything Nelly ever did, but conquering the country charts as a Black man and then coming out as gay is not merely troll of the year material. That’s a troll of the decade contender.


Country is amazing. What is wrong with you people. Watch that old man cry. WATCH HIM!


I’d post some Wheeler Walker Jr. but the lyrics can be just a bit offensive.


I appreciate all these country videos.

Reminded me that country sucks always and forever.


I thought about it, but “Lil Nax X is a country musician” has been done to death already. “Nelly is a country musician” is a fresh hot take.

waaaaaaaaaaaat? Let me tell you something wookie: the fish don’t fry in the kitchen, the beans don’t burn on the grill.

I’ve got no problem with good country. I was just bagging on modern pop country. Some friends introduced me to stuff like Ryan Bingham, Drive by Truckers, James McMurtry a while back and I was like - this shit is good! Not sure if it’s country or some other genre.

I love Friends in Low Places btw. It’s just a good catchy song.

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“Mmm… Fried chicken, fly vixen / Give me heart disease but need you in my kitchen”

Also not country.

But, like, Old Town Road is undeniably country. It’s an ice cold take to say it’s country. It’s not any other genre. He’s not rapping. He’s singing. The country themes are there in the lyrics and the music and the instrumentation. Over and Over? Yeah, that’s country. Nelly is singing. Midwest Swing? That’s at least got some country elements in the backup music. Batter Up is a hip hop song that at most has some themes adjacent to country.

Ok geniuouses I need to know something for my book but I’m too dumb to figure it out. If my great-great-grandfather is someone else’s great-grandfather, but different great-(great)-grandmothers (he married twice) - what does that make that person in relation to me? Notice the generation gap as well as the half-relation situation.

Second cousin once removed, at least going by the chart on cousins on Wikipedia. It’s based on your shared ancestor, so the two wives don’t change anything as far as I can tell.

lol, he sampled Nine Inch Nails. Real country stuff, that NIN. He made a song about a cowboy videogame, let’s be real here.


Sorry, what? Nelly isn’t rapping? I mean, I’m pretty sure Nelly raps. He just communicates really slowly, as Southern people are known to do.


Modern and pop country is what happens when you try to remove every African element from country and roots music. Basically, it sucks a lot.

Anyhow, here’s a dude showing some slave banjos he made and explaining how the play styles are distinctly African:

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In other news, anybody see the Ralph Nader drama?

Warning: That shit is like the ringu tape. You’re totally gonna die.

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German Reggae is kind of okay :wink:

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An old singer/songwriter mate of mine who has released quite a few CDs over the years once said to me that every time someone says to him they don’t like country music he can’t help thinking to himself “you’re a fucking idiot mate”.

When he plays gigs he often does a stunning version of this Fred Rose standard:

song starts at 0:53

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Anything pop culture that is basically only popular in the American South is garbage. Lol country music, lol Nascar, lol college football.

Country music is popular across the world (obviously agree about Nascar and college football).

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